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CCCV_wcs_Wetland_Extent (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: Wetlands extent data layer for the wetland monitoring project as at 03/05/2023. This layer is still draft and is currently being validated for the requirements of the NPS Freshwater.

Service ItemId: c7f9f4c005e243aab11200473c23d544

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Wetlands extent data layer for the wetland monitoring project as at 03/05/2023. This layer is still draft and is currently being validated for the requirements of the NPS Freshwater.

The purpose of this layer is to provide an accurate boundary as possible of known/high confidence sites which could be used for example, wetland monitoring, statistics of wetlands, area of wetlands and total count.

This wetland layer comprises combining multiple wetland layers including BIOVEG 2017 v3, WETLANDS INVENTORY DRAFT, WETLANDS WAIKATO REGION, WHANGAMARINO WETLAND 2017, and WHANGAPE CATCHMENT MWLCR.

The wetlands in this data layer have been identified using desktop methods only. This wetland layer should be considered indicative and draft only as it has not been completed checked and validated for the whole Waikato Region. That process is currently been carried out by the Waikato Regional Council to requirements set out by the NPS Freshwater management.

Copyright Text: Waikato Regional Council Data layers included in this dataset are: BIOVEG 2017 v3, WETLANDS INVENTORY DRAFT WETLANDS WAIKATO REGION WHANGAMARINO WETLAND 2017 WHANGAPE CATCHMENT MWLCR.

Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

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