GENALPHACY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Generation Alpha Population (Born 2017 or Later), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
GENZ_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Generation Z Population (Born 1999 to 2016), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
MILLENN_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Millennial Population (Born 1981 to 1998), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
GENX_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Generation X Population (Born 1965 to 1980), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
BABYBOOMCY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Baby Boomer Population (Born 1946 to 1964), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
OLDRGENSCY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Silent & Greatest Generations Population (Born 1945/Earlier), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
GENBASE_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Population by Generation Base, SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP0_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 0-4 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP5_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 5-9 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP10_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 10-14 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP15_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 15-19 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP20_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 20-24 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP25_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 25-29 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP30_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 30-34 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP35_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 35-39 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP40_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 40-44 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP45_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 45-49 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP50_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 50-54 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP55_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 55-59 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP60_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 60-64 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP65_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 65-69 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP70_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 70-74 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP75_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 75-79 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP80_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 80-84 (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POP85_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population Age 85+ (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
MEDAGE_CY (type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: 2018 Median Age (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeDecimal, nullable: true, editable: true)
MALES_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Male Population (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
MEDMAGE_CY (type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: 2018 Median Male Age (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeDecimal, nullable: true, editable: true)
MEDFAGE_CY (type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: 2018 Median Female Age (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeDecimal, nullable: true, editable: true)
AGEBASE_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Total Population by Five-Year Age Base (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
CIVLBFR_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Civilian Population Age 16+ in Labor Force (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
EMP_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
UNEMP_CY (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2018 Unemployed Population Age 16+ (Esri), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POPOWN10 (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2010 Population Living in Owner-occupied Housing Units (U.S. Census), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)
POPRENT10 (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: 2010 Population Living in Renter-occupied Housing Units (U.S. Census), SQL Type: sqlTypeInteger, nullable: true, editable: true)