Description: AquiferExemption_boundary_centroids provides the center of each aquifer exemption as a point. Centroids are found in the continental United States and Alaska. Data is current through January 2016. Aquifer exemptions in California are not shown on the maps. California is engaged in a process to digitize existing exemption locations and is also currently reviewing numerous requests for new or expanded aquifer exemptions that they expect to submit to EPA Region 9 for review. As this work progresses, the aquifer exemptions in California will be added to the national dataset.
Copyright Text: US EPA Headquarters and Regional Underground Injection Control programs.
Carter, KM, Moore, ME, Harper, JA, Whitfield, TG, Dunst, BJ, Anthony, RV, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. 2015. GIS data from Oil and gas fields and pools of Pennsylvania--1859-2011. OFOG 15-0.1.2. Fourth Series. Pennsylvania Geological Survey, Harrisburg, PA.
EPA received help with documentation, maps, and data from Missouri Geological Survey, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
Description: AquiferExemption_county_locations present the county outlines for exempted aquifers without more specific locations. EPA is working to improve the files and will update the data as information becomes available.Aquifer exemptions in California are not shown on the maps. California is engaged in a process to digitize existing exemption locations and is also currently reviewing numerous requests for new or expanded aquifer exemptions that they expect to submit to EPA Region 9 for review. As this work progresses, the aquifer exemptions in California will be added to the national dataset.
Copyright Text: US EPA Headquarters and Regional Underground Injection Control programs.
Carter, KM, Moore, ME, Harper, JA, Whitfield, TG, Dunst, BJ, Anthony, RV, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. 2015. GIS data from Oil and gas fields and pools of Pennsylvania--1859-2011. OFOG 15-0.1.2. Fourth Series. Pennsylvania Geological Survey, Harrisburg, PA.
EPA received help with documentation, maps, and data from Missouri Geological Survey, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
Description: AquiferExemption_boundary_polygons presents the two-dimensional boundaries of the aquifers appoved for exemption. Exempted aquifers in California are not shown on the maps. California is engaged in a process to digitize existing exemption locations and is also currently reviewing numerous requests for new or expanded aquifer exemptions that they expect to submit to EPA Region 9 for review. As this work progresses, the aquifer exemptions in California will be added to the national dataset.
Copyright Text: US EPA Headquarters and Regional Underground Injection Control programs.
Carter, KM, Moore, ME, Harper, JA, Whitfield, TG, Dunst, BJ, Anthony, RV, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. 2015. GIS data from Oil and gas fields and pools of Pennsylvania--1859-2011. OFOG 15-0.1.2. Fourth Series. Pennsylvania Geological Survey, Harrisburg, PA.
EPA received help with documentation, maps, and data from Missouri Geological Survey, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.