Layer Estimates:
Layer: Reducing Lead in Drinking Water - 2020 Projects (ID:0)
Count: 10
XMin: -9753813.78330662
YMin: 4514645.50328473
XMax: -7909249.82086208
YMax: 5305885.4195555
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: Percent of Assistance to DACs (ID:2)
Count: 51
XMin: -19839092.3043
YMin: 2145729.6799
XMax: -7454985.1465
YMax: 11542624.916
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: Average SRF Loan Interest Rates (ID:3)
Count: 51
XMin: -19839092.3043
YMin: 2145729.6799
XMax: -7454985.1465
YMax: 11542624.916
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: DWSRF Capitalization Grants (ID:4)
Count: 51
XMin: -19839092.3043
YMin: 2145729.6799
XMax: -7454985.1465
YMax: 11542624.916
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: ES_DWSRF_Grant_Info_NEW_ExcelToTable (ID:8)
Count: 109
Layer: WIINGrantLeadTesting_ExcelToTable (ID:9)
Count: 109
Layer: WIINGrantRLDW_ExcelToTable (ID:10)
Count: 10
Layer: DWSRF_BIL_FundingData (ID:11)
Count: 109
Layer: WIINGrantSDACs_ExcelToTable (ID:12)
Count: 109
Layer: DWSRFBILFundingData_W/SUMS (ID:13)
Count: 51