Name: survey
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Supported query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
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Spatial Reference: 4326 (4326)
Drawing Info:
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Object ID Field: objectid
Unique ID Field:
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Global ID Field: globalid
Type ID Field:
- objectid (type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: ObjectID, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 0, nullable: false, editable: false)
- globalid (type: esriFieldTypeGlobalID, alias: GlobalID, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 38, nullable: false, editable: false)
- CreationDate (type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: CreationDate, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 8, nullable: true, editable: false)
- Creator (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Creator, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 128, nullable: true, editable: false)
- EditDate (type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: EditDate, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 8, nullable: true, editable: false)
- Editor (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Editor, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 128, nullable: true, editable: false)
- why_did_you_take_this_photo (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 1. How do you usually spend your time around this area - Pickle Pond, Barker’s Bay, the Osaugie Trail, or Barkers Island? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- what_is_it_about_this_area_that (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 2. What is it about this area that attracts you? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- since_you_have_been_coming_here (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 3. Since you have been coming here (Pickle Pond, Barker's Bay, Barkers Bay Island, or the Osaugie Trail), what kind of changes in this area, if any, have you noticed or are you aware of? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- if_you_ve_noticed_changes_how_d (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 4. How do the changes you’ve noticed affect you? And, if you’re from the area, how do these changes affect your community? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- is_there_anything_you_would_lik (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 5. Is there anything you would like to see changed about this area? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- is_there_anything_that_could_be (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 6. How would the changes (that you would like to see) improve your experience, this area, or the community? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- how_would_the_changes_that_you_ (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 7. Is there anything that could be done to make this area more inclusive? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- we_re_just_collecting_informati (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 8. We’re just collecting information at this point, but if an opportunity came up, would you be willing to participate in future decisions about changes to this area? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- what_is_your_zip_code (type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: 1a. What is your zip code? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- comments (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Comments, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- please_check_the_box_below_befo (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Please check the box below before proceeding, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _3a_do_you_know_approximately_w (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 3a. Do you know approximately when these changes occurred? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _1a_if_fishing_is_an_activity_y (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 1a. If fishing is an activity you participate in at Pickle Pond. Do you bring fish home to eat?, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Yes: Yes], [No: No], [Sometimes: Sometimes])
- _1bdo_you_share_with_others (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 1b.Do you share with others?, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Yes: Yes], [No: No], [Sometimes: Sometimes])
- _1c_what_kinds_of_fish (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 1c. What kinds of fish?, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _1dare_you_aware_of_any_fish_co (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 1d.Are you aware of any fish consumption advisories in the area? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Yes: Yes], [No: No])
- _1do_you_live_in_the_area_or_ar (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 1.Do you live in the area or are you just visiting? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Live in the area: Live in the area], [Visiting: Visiting], [other: Other])
- _1_do_you_live_in_the_area_or_a (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Other - 1.Do you live in the area or are you just visiting? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _2how_did_you_access_pickle_pon (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 2.How did you access Pickle Pond today? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Walk-in: Walk-in], [Bicycle: Bicycle], [E-Bicycle: E-Bicycle], ... 3 more ...)
- _2_how_did_you_access_pickle_po (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Other - 2.How did you access Pickle Pond today? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _2a_for_this_visit_about_how_lo (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 2a. For this visit, about how long did it take you [and your personal group] to travel to Pickle Pond?, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Less than 15 minutes: Less than 15 minutes], [Between 15—30 minutes: Between 15—30 minutes], [Between 31—45 minutes: Between 31—45 minutes], ... 2 more ...)
- _3_what_does_your_typical_visit (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 3.What does your typical visit to Pickle Pond look like? In other words, what do you do and where do you go?, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _4_how_often_do_you_visit_pickl (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 4.How often do you visit Pickle Pond? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Daily: Daily], [More than once a week, less tha: More than once a week, less than daily], [About once a week_: About once a week ], ... 3 more ...)
- _4a_how_long_do_you_generally_s (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 4a. How long do you generally spend at Pickle Pond when you visit? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Less than one hour: Less than one hour], [Between one and two hours: Between one and two hours], [More than two hours: More than two hours])
- _5do_you_fish_at_this_site_plea (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 5.Do you fish at this site? [please check one] , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Yes: Yes], [No: No])
- _5a_how_do_you_rate_fishing_at (type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: 5a. How do you rate fishing at this site? [please circle one] Select a number between 1 and 10, where 1 represents “the very worst fishing site I’ve been to” and 10 represents “the best fishing site I’ve been to”., SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _5b_do_you_bring_fish_home_to_e (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 5b. Do you bring fish home to eat?, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Yes: Yes], [No: No])
- _5c_how_frequently_do_you_eat_f (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 5c. How frequently do you eat fish from this site?, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [More than once a week: More than once a week], [About once a week: About once a week], [About once a month: About once a month], ... 2 more ...)
- _5d_do_you_know_if_there_are_fi (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 5d. Do you know if there are fish consumption advisories for fish in this area? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Yes there are: Yes there are], [No there are not: No there are not], [Do not know: Do not know])
- _5d1_have_the_consumption_advis (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 5d1. Have the consumption advisories caused you to… [please check all that apply], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _5e_how_do_you_expect_fishing_t (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 5e. How do you expect fishing to change after restoration work at Pickle Pond is complete? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Improve greatly: Improve greatly], [Improve somewhat: Improve somewhat], [Neither improve nor degrade: Neither improve nor degrade], ... 3 more ...)
- _6for_which_of_the_following_re (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 6.For which of the following reasons did you decide to visit Pickle Pond today? [please select all that apply], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _6_for_which_of_the_following_r (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Other, please explain - 6.For which of the following reasons did you decide to visit Pickle Pond today? [please select all that apply], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _7_how_if_at_all_has_this_area (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 7.How, if at all, has this area changed over the last 10 years? [if applicable], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _7a_how_have_these_changes_impa (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 7a. How have these changes impacted your experience at Pickle Pond? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Very positively: Very positively], [Somewhat positively: Somewhat positively], [Neither positively or negativel: Neither positively or negatively ], ... 3 more ...)
- _8what_about_pickle_pond_would (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 8.What about Pickle Pond would you like to see change? , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _9are_you_aware_of_any_opportun (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 9.Are you aware of any opportunities for the public to discuss changes to Pickle Pond (e.g., public meeting or outreach events; Note- this could be events in the past or future)? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Yes: Yes], [No: No], [I do not know: I do not know])
- _9a_what_arewere_these_opportun (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 9a. What are/were these opportunities (e.g., public advisory group meeting, interest group, neighborhood block party, etc.)?, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _9a1_did_you_participate_in_any (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 9a1. Did you participate in any of these public discussions? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Yes: Yes], [No: No])
- _9a2_what_did_you_find_useful_a (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 9a2. What did you find useful and not useful about these discussions?, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _10_environmental_stewardship_i (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 10.Environmental stewardship is defined as environmental restoration, monitoring, education, conservation, advocacy, or taking care of a particular place or patch of land. To what extent have you engaged in “stewardship” at Pickle Pond? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Very much: Very much], [Somewhat: Somewhat], [Not much: Not much], ... 2 more ...)
- _10a_what_types_of_stewardship (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 10a. What types of stewardship activities do you engage in around Pickle Pond? [please check all that apply], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _10a_what_types_of_stewardship_ (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Other, please explain - 10a. What types of stewardship activities do you engage in around Pickle Pond? [please check all that apply], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _10b_were_any_of_these_stewards (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 10b. Were any of these stewardship activities done with an interest group or other organization (e.g., HOA, nonprofit organization, government agency) that engages in environmental stewardship? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Yes: Yes], [No: No])
- _10b1_please_list_the_organizat (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 10b1. Please list the organizations or groups that you completed stewardship activities with. , SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _11_how_if_at_all_will_climate (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 11.How, if at all, will climate change impact your ability to enjoy Pickle Pond? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Very positively: Very positively], [Somewhat positively: Somewhat positively], [Neither positively nor negative: Neither positively nor negatively (i.e., no change)], ... 4 more ...)
- _11a_please_indicate_your_agree (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 11a. Please indicate your agreement with the following statement: The global climate is changing. [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Disagree strongly: Disagree strongly], [Disagree somewhat: Disagree somewhat], [Neither disagree nor agree: Neither disagree nor agree], ... 2 more ...)
- _11b_please_indicate_your_agree (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 11b. Please indicate your agreement with the following statement: The local (e.g., Pickle Pond) climate is changing. [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Disagree strongly: Disagree strongly], [Disagree somewhat: Disagree somewhat], [Neither disagree nor agree: Neither disagree nor agree], ... 2 more ...)
- _12_what_is_your_gender_please (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 12.What is your gender? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Male: Male], [Female: Female], [Non-Binary: Non-Binary], ... 1 more ...)
- _12_what_is_your_gender_please_ (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Other (please describe) - 12.What is your gender? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _13_what_is_your_approximate_ag (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 13.What is your approximate age? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Under 30: Under 30], [31-40: 31-40], [41-50: 41-50], ... 2 more ...)
- _14_what_is_your_approximate_ho (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 14.What is your approximate household income? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Under $25,000: Under $25,000], [$25,000 - $49,999: $25,000 - $49,999], [$50,000 - $74,999: $50,000 - $74,999], ... 2 more ...)
- _15_which_of_these_categories_b (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 15.Which of these categories best indicates your race? Answer only for yourself. [please check all that apply], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 1000, nullable: true, editable: true)
- _16_are_you_hispanic_or_latino (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 16.Are you Hispanic or Latino? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Yes: Yes], [No: No])
- _17_what_is_the_highest_level_o (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 17.What is the highest level of formal education you have completed? [please check one], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true, Coded Values: [Less than high school graduate: Less than high school graduate], [High school graduate: High school graduate], [Vocational/trade school certifi: Vocational/trade school certificate], ... 4 more ...)
- _12sex_fill_in_blank (type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: 12.Sex [fill in blank], SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, length: 255, nullable: true, editable: true)
Name: New Feature
Drawing Tool: esriFeatureEditToolPoint
Is Data Versioned: false
Has Contingent Values: false
Supports Rollback On Failure Parameter: true
Last Edit Date: 1/31/2025 7:45:07 PM
Schema Last Edit Date: 1/31/2025 7:45:07 PM
Data Last Edit Date: 1/31/2025 7:44:47 PM
Supported Operations:
Add Features
Apply Edits
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