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</strong></i></td></tr><tr><td>species:</td><td><i><strong>{taxon_species_name} </strong></i></td></tr></tbody></table></figure><p> </p><figure><table><tbody><tr><td><strong>Taxon ID: {iNaturalist_Observations_JoshuaTreeNP.taxon_id} </strong></td></tr><tr><td><a target='_blank' href='https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/{iNaturalist_Observations_JoshuaTreeNP.taxon_id}' rel='nofollow ugc noopener noreferrer'>More Info</a></td></tr></tbody></table></figure><p><span style='color:#0d6648;font-size:15px;'>{expression/expr0}</span><span style='color:#000000;font-size:15px;'>{expression/expr1}</span></p>", "popupElements": [ { "mediaInfos": [ { "type": "image", "value": { "linkURL": "{image_url}", "sourceURL": "{image_url}" } } ], "type": "media" }, { "expressionInfo": { "title": "Photo, License, Credits", "returnType": "dictionary", "expression": "var image_url = $feature.image_url\nvar orig_url = Replace(image_url, \"large\", \"original\")\n//var image_html = '<a href=\"' + orig_url + '\"><img src=\"' + image_url + '\"></a>'\n\n//var ob_id = $feature.observation_id\n//var observation_html = '<br><a href=\"https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/' + ob_id + '\">Oberservation</a> by '\n\nvar ob_date = Text($feature.observed_on, \"MMMM D, Y\")\n\nvar ob_user = $feature.user_login\nvar ob_user_name = iif(IsEmpty($feature.user_name), ob_user, $feature.user_name)\nvar user_html = '<br><a href=\"https://www.inaturalist.org/people/' + ob_user + '\">Observed by ' + ob_user_name + '</a>'\n\nvar license = $feature.image_license\n \nvar value_txt = When(license == 'CC-BY', 'Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)',\n license == 'CC-BY-NC', 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC)',\n license == 'CC-BY-NC-ND', 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND)',\n license == 'CC-BY-NC-SA', 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)',\n license == 'CC-BY-ND', 'Creative Commons Attribution No derivatives (CC BY-ND)',\n license == 'CC-BY-SA', 'Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)',\n license == 'CC0', 'Creative Commons Universal Public Domain (CC0)',\n license == 'PD', 'Public Domain (PD)',\n license);\n\nvar license_value = When(license == 'PD', value_txt + \" license\",\n license == 'CC0', '<a href=\"' + 'https://creativecommons.org/public-domain/cc0/' + '\">' + value_txt + '</a>',\n '<a href=\"' + 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/' + Mid(license, 3) + '/4.0/' + '\">' + value_txt + '</a>')\n\nvar sound = $feature.sound_url; \nvar sound_value = IIf(IsEmpty(sound),\n null,\n '<br><p><audio controls=\"\"> <source src=\"' + sound + '\" type=\"audio/mpeg\"></audio></p>',\n )\n\nvar finalCopyrightInfo = ob_date + user_html + \"<br>\" + license_value + sound_value\n\nreturn { \n\ttype : 'text', \n\ttext : finalCopyrightInfo\n}" }, "type": "expression" }, { "text": "<figure><table><tbody><tr><td><span style='font-size:18px;'><i><strong>{scientific_name}</strong></i>{expression/expr5}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></figure><figure><table><tbody><tr><td>kingdom: </td><td><strong>{taxon_kingdom_name} </strong></td></tr><tr><td>phylum:</td><td><strong>{taxon_phylum_name} </strong></td></tr><tr><td>class:</td><td><strong>{taxon_class_name} </strong></td></tr><tr><td>order:</td><td><strong>{taxon_order_name} </strong></td></tr><tr><td>family:</td><td><strong>{taxon_family_name} </strong></td></tr><tr><td>genus:</td><td><i><strong>{taxon_genus_name} </strong></i></td></tr><tr><td>species:</td><td><i><strong>{taxon_species_name} </strong></i></td></tr></tbody></table></figure><p> </p><figure><table><tbody><tr><td><strong>Taxon ID: {iNaturalist_Observations_JoshuaTreeNP.taxon_id} </strong></td></tr><tr><td><a target='_blank' href='https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/{iNaturalist_Observations_JoshuaTreeNP.taxon_id}' rel='nofollow ugc noopener noreferrer'>More Info</a></td></tr></tbody></table></figure><p><span style='color:#0d6648;font-size:15px;'>{expression/expr0}</span><span style='color:#000000;font-size:15px;'>{expression/expr1}</span></p>", "type": "text" }, { "expressionInfo": { "title": "Nearby Observations", "returnType": "dictionary", "expression": "// Inputs\nvar categoryField = \"taxon_category_name\"\nvar threeRings = [\n { ring: \"inner ring\", size: 100, units: \"meters\" },\n { ring: \"middle ring\", size: 500, units: \"meters\" },\n { ring: \"outter ring\", size: 1000, units: \"meters\" }\n];\nExpects($feature,\"*\")\n\nvar s = Schema($feature)\nvar type = \"\"\nfor(var x in s.fields){iif(s.fields[x].name == categoryField, type = s.fields[x].type, null)}\nif(type == \"esriFieldTypeString\"){\n var isDomain = false\n var thiscat = $feature[categoryField]\n}\nelse{\n var isDomain = true\n var thiscat = DomainName($feature, categoryField)\n}\n\n///////////////////////\n//function to place image to side of text\nfunction buildbox(imageURL, txt){\n\t\treturn '<figure class=\"table\"><table><tbody><tr><td width=50px;height=50px><img src=\"' + imageURL + '\" alt=\"\" height=50 width=50 /></td><td width=5px></td><td>' + txt + '</td></tr></tbody></table></figure>'\n}\n\n//// Hex colors of classes\nfunction gethex(category){\n when(category == \"Actinopterygii\", \"66b3ff\",\n category == \"Amphibia\", \"3377ff\",\n category == \"Arachnida\", \"000000\",\n category == \"Aves\", \"f2df61\",\n category == \"Fungi\", \"52cba3\",\n category == \"Insecta\", \"aa8631\",\n category == \"Mammalia\", \"bb5465\",\n category == \"Mollusca\", \"8a560e\",\n category == \"Plantae\", \"0f9954\",\n category == \"Protozoa\", \"a1e6e6\",\n category == \"Reptilia\", \"d9c194\",\n category == \"Unknown\", \"bcbec0\",\n \"000000\")\n}\n\nfunction detectNearby(buffersize, bufferUnits){\n // Buffer the feature and find nearby features\n var buff = BufferGeodetic($feature, bufferSize, bufferUnits)\n var OID = $feature.OBJECTID\n\n // Remove this feature from the list and set up the string for the popup text\n var nearby = Filter(Intersects(buff, $layer),\"OBJECTID <> @OID\")\n var popupText = \"\"\n\n // Create text stating how many observations are nearby\n var cnt = Count(nearby) \n var formattedBuffer = Text(bufferSize, \"###,###\")\n When(cnt == 0, popupText += \"There are no observations within <strong>\" + formattedBuffer + \" \" + bufferUnits + \"</strong>\", \n cnt == 1, popupText += \"There is <strong>\" + cnt + \"</strong> observation within <strong>\" + formattedBuffer + \" \" + bufferUnits + \":</strong>\",\n popupText += \"There are <strong>\" + Text(cnt,\"###,###\") + \"</strong> observations within <strong>\" + formattedBuffer + \" \" + bufferUnits + \":</strong>\")\n\n // Create a list of the nearby species types\n var stats = GroupBy(nearby, [categoryField], [{name: \"total\", expression: \"1\", statistic: \"count\"}])\n var inOrder = OrderBy(stats, \"total DESC\")\n if (cnt != 0) {\n for(var x in inOrder){\n var n = x[categoryField]\n if(isDomain){n = DomainName($layer, categoryField, x[categoryField])}\n var name = Iif(IsEmpty(x[categoryField]), \"Unknown\", n)\n var isSameCategory = iif(thiscat == name, \"<strong>\", null)\n var isSameCategoryEnd = iif(thiscat == name, \"</strong>\", null)\n popupText += '<br> - ' + isSameCategory + '<span style = \"color: #' + gethex(x[categoryField]) + '\">' + name + \" (\" + Text(x.total,\"###,###\") + \")\" + \"</span>\" + isSameCategoryEnd\n }\n }\n return popupText\n}\n\nvar allrings = \"https://arcgis-content.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/5397182238c54dad964968a8994f2861/data\"\nvar innerring = \"https://arcgis-content.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/582caf2cc75e4b6a8750c11141d64026/data\"\nvar middlering = \"https://arcgis-content.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/532bb814f4e64593a5fe3841b405c542/data\"\nvar outerring = \"https://arcgis-content.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/4d75372d27124b7e9e56d9851a918a87/data\"\n\nvar intro = 'This observation is part of the iNaturalist category <strong><span style = \"color: #' + gethex(thiscat) + '\">' + thiscat + \"</span></strong>. Looking closer at the observations nearby, let's investigate them within <strong>\"\nfor(var y in threeRings){\n var ring = threeRings[y].ring\n var size = threeRings[y].size\n var unit = threeRings[y].units\n var txt = detectNearby(size, unit)\n iif(ring == \"outter ring\", intro += Text(size,\"###,###\") + \" \" + unit + \":\", intro += Text(size,\"###,###\") + \" \" + unit + \", \")\n}\nintro += \"</strong>\"\n\nvar introtext = buildbox(allrings, intro)\n\nfor(var y in threeRings){\n var ring = threeRings[y].ring\n var size = threeRings[y].size\n var unit = threeRings[y].units\n var txt = detectNearby(size, unit)\n var im = \"\"\n when(ring == \"inner ring\", im = innerring,\n ring == \"middle ring\", im = middlering,\n ring == \"outter ring\", im = outerring,\n null)\n var box = buildbox(im, txt)\n introtext += \"<br>\" + box\n}\n\nvar popuptext = '<span style=\"font-size:15px;\">' + introtext\n\nreturn { \n\ttype : 'text', \n\ttext : popuptext\n}" }, "type": "expression" } ], 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!= null){\n var intro = lower(int.WTE_Class) \n txt += TextFormatting.NewLine + \"This observation falls within the \" + intro + \" world terrestrial ecosystem.\"\n}\nreturn txt" }, { "title": "Title Name", "name": "expr2", "returnType": "string", "expression": "var cat = iif(IsEmpty($feature.taxon_class_name), \"Unknown Taxon Class\", $feature.taxon_class_name)\nvar vern = $feature.common_name;\nvar science = iif(IsEmpty($feature.scientific_name), null, \": \" + $feature.scientific_name)\niif(IsEmpty(vern), cat + science, cat + \": \" + vern)" }, { "title": "Title Color", "name": "expr3", "returnType": "string", "expression": "var cat = $feature.taxon_class_name\n\n//// Hex colors of classes\nfunction gethex(category){\n when(category == 1, \"66b3ff\",\n category == 2, \"3377ff\",\n category == 3, \"000000\",\n category == 4, \"f2df61\",\n category == 5, \"52cba3\",\n category == 6, \"aa8631\",\n category == 7, \"bb5465\",\n category == 8, \"8a560e\",\n category == 9, \"0f9954\",\n category == 10, \"a1e6e6\",\n category == 11, \"d9c194\",\n category == 12, \"bcbec0\",\n \"000000\")\n}\n\ngethex(cat)" }, { "title": "License", "name": "expr4", "returnType": "string", "expression": "var license = $feature.license; \n \n var value_txt = When(license == 'CC-BY', 'Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)',\n license == 'CC-BY-NC', 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC)',\n license == 'CC-BY-NC-ND', 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND)',\n license == 'CC-BY-NC-SA', 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)',\n license == 'CC-BY-ND', 'Creative Commons Attribution No derivatives (CC BY-ND)',\n license == 'CC-BY-SA', 'Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)',\n license == 'CC0', 'Creative Commons Universal Public Domain (CC0)',\n license == 'PD', 'Public Domain (PD)',\n license);\n\nvar ret_value = When(license == 'PD', \"<p>\" + value_txt + \" license</p>\",\n license == 'CC0', '<p><a href=\"' + 'https://creativecommons.org/public-domain/cc0/' + '\">' + value_txt + '</a></p>',\n '<p><a href=\"' + 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/' + license + '/4.0/' + '\">' + value_txt + '</a></p>')\n\nreturn { \n\ttype : 'text', \n\ttext : ret_value \n}" }, { "title": "Common Name Null Handling", "name": "expr5", "returnType": "string", "expression": "var common = $feature.common_name\niif(IsEmpty(common), null, \" (\" + common + \")\")" }, { "title": "Image Credits", "name": "expr6", "returnType": "string", "expression": "var image_url = $feature.image_url\nvar orig_url = Replace(image_url, \"large\", \"original\")\nvar image_html = '<a href=\"' + orig_url + '\"><img src=\"' + image_url + '\"></a>'\n\n//var ob_id = $feature.observation_id\n//var observation_html = '<br><a href=\"https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/' + ob_id + '\">Oberservation</a> by '\n\nvar ob_date = Text($feature.observed_on, \"MMMM D, Y\")\n\nvar ob_user = $feature.user_login\nvar ob_user_name = iif(IsEmpty($feature.user_name), ob_user, $feature.user_name)\nvar user_html = '<br><a href=\"https://www.inaturalist.org/people/' + ob_user + '\">Observed by ' + ob_user_name + '</a>'\n\nvar license = $feature.image_license\n \nvar value_txt = When(license == 'CC-BY', 'Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)',\n license == 'CC-BY-NC', 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC)',\n license == 'CC-BY-NC-ND', 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND)',\n license == 'CC-BY-NC-SA', 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)',\n license == 'CC-BY-ND', 'Creative Commons Attribution No derivatives (CC BY-ND)',\n license == 'CC-BY-SA', 'Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)',\n license == 'CC0', 'Creative Commons Universal Public Domain (CC0)',\n license == 'PD', 'Public Domain (PD)',\n license);\n\nvar license_value = When(license == 'PD', value_txt + \" license\",\n license == 'CC0', '<a href=\"' + 'https://creativecommons.org/public-domain/cc0/' + '\">' + value_txt + '</a>',\n '<a href=\"' + 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/' + Mid(license, 3) + '/4.0/' + '\">' + value_txt + '</a>')\n\nvar sound = $feature.sound_url; \nvar sound_value = IIf(IsEmpty(sound),\n null,\n '<br><p><audio controls=\"\"> <source src=\"' + sound + '\" type=\"audio/mpeg\"></audio></p>',\n )\n\nreturn ob_date + user_html + \"<br>\" + license_value + sound_value" } ] }, "disablePopup": false, "timeInfo": { "startTimeField": "observed_on" }, "store": { "id": "4A98F498-DB0C-4CA6-BB56-E3E23C91FC0B", "profile": "points", "resourcePattern": [ "3dNodeIndexDocument", "Attributes", "featureData" ], "rootNode": "./nodes/root", "version": "1.10", "extent": [ -84.910629807999953, 35.663883051000028, -84.814690077999956, 35.721100000000035 ], "indexCRS": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326", "vertexCRS": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326", "nidEncoding": "application/vnd.esri.i3s.json+gzip; 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