ArcGIS REST Services Directory

California_Fire_Perimeters_1878_2019 (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: This layer contains the fire perimeters from the previous calendar year, and those dating back to 1878, for California. Perimeters are sourced from the Fire and Resource Assessment Program (FRAP) and are updated after the end of each calendar year.

Service ItemId: 6fd0d8d6f47d414da7bcb1dcd0539999

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True

Supports Shared Templates: False

Source Schema Changes Allowed: true

Has Views: true


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This layer contains the fire perimeters from the previous calendar year, and those dating back to 1878, for California. Perimeters are sourced from the Fire and Resource Assessment Program (FRAP) and are updated shortly after the end of each calendar year. Information below is from the FRAP web site

About the Perimeters in this Layer

Initially CAL FIRE and the USDA Forest Service jointly developed a fire perimeter GIS layer for public and private lands throughout California. The data covered the period 1950 to 2001 and included USFS wildland fires 10 acres and greater, and CAL FIRE fires 300 acres and greater. BLM and NPS joined the effort in 2002, collecting fires 10 acres and greater. Also in 2002, CAL FIRE’s criteria expanded to include timber fires 10 acres and greater in size, brush fires 50 acres and greater in size, grass fires 300 acres and greater in size, wildland fires destroying three or more structures, and wildland fires causing $300,000 or more in damage. As of 2014, the monetary requirement was dropped and the damage requirement is 3 or more habitable structures or commercial structures.

In 1989, CAL FIRE units were requested to fill in gaps in their fire perimeter data as part of the California Fire Plan. FRAP provided each unit with a preliminary map of 1950-89 fire perimeters. Unit personnel also verified the pre-1989 perimeter maps to determine if any fires were missing or should be re-mapped. Each CAL FIRE Unit then generated a list of 300+ acre fires that started since 1989 using the CAL FIRE Emergency Activity Reporting System (EARS). The CAL FIRE personnel used this list to gather post-1989 perimeter maps for digitizing. The final product is a statewide GIS layer spanning the period 1950-1999.

CAL FIRE has completed inventory for the majority of its historical perimeters back to 1950. BLM fire perimeters are complete from 2002 to the present. The USFS has submitted records as far back as 1878. The NPS records date to 1921.

About the Program

FRAP compiles fire perimeters and has established an on-going fire perimeter data capture process. CAL FIRE, the United States Forest Service Region 5, the Bureau of Land Management, and the National Park Service jointly develop the fire perimeter GIS layer for public and private lands throughout California at the end of the calendar year. Upon release, the data is current as of the last calendar year.

The fire perimeter database represents the most complete digital record of fire perimeters in California. However it is still incomplete in many respects. Fire perimeter database users must exercise caution to avoid inaccurate or erroneous conclusions. For more information on potential errors and their source please review the methodology section of these pages.

The fire perimeters database is an Esri ArcGIS file geodatabase with three data layers (feature classes):

All three are available in this layer.  Additionally, you can find related web maps, view layers set up for individual years or decades, and tile layers here.

Recommended Uses

There are many uses for fire perimeter data. For example, it is used on incidents to locate recently burned areas that may affect fire behavior (see map left).

Other uses include:

Download the Fire Perimeter GIS data here

Download a statewide map of Fire Perimeters here

Source: Fire and Resource Assessment Program (FRAP)

Copyright Text: CAL FIRE

Spatial Reference: 3310 (3310)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates   Create Replica   Extract Changes