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SeniorsResidentialFacilities (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: This layer is a continuing work in progress. It is a republishing of data and information gathered from various sources, It is not a complete listing of...

Service ItemId: 6f0c05c861d741c9a6317b17142041e8

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

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This layer was developed using the following definitions to categorized facility service types:

"Seniors Homes" - A facility that provides varying levels of accommodation and services for seniors.

“Long Term Care Home” - Long-term care homes provide living accommodation for people who require on-site delivery of 24/7 supervised care, including professional health services, personal care and services such as meals, laundry and housekeeping. Includes nursing homes

“Assisted Living Home” - A home for older people or people with disabilities who can live fairly independently but need some help with everyday tasks such as preparing meals, bathing, and dressing.

“Retirement Home” - A retirement home is a privately paid residence for seniors who can direct their own care. Best suited for individuals who want an independent lifestyle in homes that provide a safe, comfortable, home-like environment.

Each province and territory defines and categorizes their seniors homes facilities differently. The attempt to categorize the facilities as “Assisted Living”, “Long Term Care” and/or “Retirement Home” in this layer were based on the following definitions used from each province:


Supportive living facilities includes assisted living*, group home** and lodge***. Under the Supportive Living Accommodation Licensing Act, all supportive living accommodations must be licensed and must comply with the Supportive Living Accommodation Standards. The operator provides permanent accommodation and arranges for services related to safety and security.Assisted Living* - Provides supportive living accommodation to more than 10 people.Group Home** – Provides supportive living accommodation to four to 10 people.Lodge*** – Provides supportive living accommodation and operates under the Alberta Housing Act.

Long Term Care facilities accommodation services are provided for people with complex health needs who are unable to remain at home or in a supportive living setting.

Defined by: Alberta Standards and Licensing & Continuing Care Branch, Alberta Health

Data Notes:

Facilities that provide Designated Supportive Living 3 (DSL3) were categorized as “Assisted Living Home”.

Facilities that provide Designated Supportive Living 4/4D (DSL4/4D) were categorized as “Long Term Care Home".

Supportive Living facilities data was retrieved from Alberta Standards and Licensing on April 20, 2020.

Long Term Care facility retrieved from Alberta Health Continuing Care Branch April 20, 2020 data is from March 31, 2016.

British Columbia:

Assisted living services provide housing, hospitality services and personal care services for adults who can live independently and make decisions on their own behalf but require a supportive environment due to physical and functional health challenges.

Long-term care services provide 24-hour professional supervision and care in a protective, supportive environment for people who have complex care needs and can no longer be cared for in their own homes or in an assisted living residence.

Defined by: Ministry of Health, British Columbia

Data Notes:

Assisted Living Residences data downloaded from the Ministry of Health – Seniors Services Branch on April 4, 2020.

Residential Care Facilities data downloaded from the Ministry of Health – Seniors Services Branch on April 4, 2020.


Supportive Housing is for people who require access to 24 hour supervision and some assistance managing with physical limitations, or ongoing health conditions.

Personal Care Homes sometimes referred to as a “Nursing Home” where 24-hour nursing care and services are on hand and provided by healthcare personnel in a secure environment 24 hours a day.

Independent Living or a Retirement Residence sometimes referred to as Independent Living with Services or Assisted Living, is a private seniors living building where you rent your own suite and pay for a service package.

Defined by: Long Term & Continuing Care Association of Manitoba (LTCAM)

Data Notes:

Supportive Housing data retrieved from LTCAM on May 13, 2020.

Personal Care Homes data retrieved from LTCAM on May 13, 2020.

Independent Living data retrieved from LTCAM on May 15, 2020.

New Brunswick:

Special Care Homes provide supervision and assistance with daily living for people with limitations who can no longer remain in their own home.

Licensed Nursing Homes are for people who are medically stable but who need full-time nursing care.

Defined by: Department of Social Development, New Brunswick

Data Notes:

Special Care Homes data retrieved from the Department of Social Development, New Brunswick on October 1, 2020.

Licensed Nursing Homes data downloaded from Nursing Home Services Branch, New Brunswick on June 2, 2020.


Personal Care Homes are private, for profit residential settings providing care and accommodations

primarily for seniors and adults requiring assistance with activities of daily living.

Protective Community Residences are specially designed and staffed homes that provide specialized care and accommodation for individuals with mild to moderate dementia.

Long Term Care Services are delivered in facilities that provide 24-hour nursing care plus varying degrees of medical, rehabilitative, social work, pastoral care, dietetic, pharmaceutical, palliative care, respite and recreation programs.

Defined by: Department of Health and Community Services, Newfoundland

Data Notes:

Personal Care Home data retrieved from Health and Community Services, Newfoundland on April 20, 2020.

Long Term Care and Protective Community Residences data retrieved from Health and Community Services, Newfoundland on April 17, 2020 data is from September 15, 2016.

Northwest Territories:

Supported Living facilities provide 24-hour support and supervision for people who have a physical and/or mental health challenge but do not need nursing care.

Long Term Care is a home-like facility that provides care and services for people who no longer are able to live independently or who require onsite nursing care, 24-hour supervision, or personal support.

Defined by: Continuing Care Services, Northwest Territories

Data Notes:

Long Term Care data retrieved from Health and Social Services on May 1, 2020.

Supportive Living facilities were unable to add to the layer due to limited information available.

Nova Scotia:

Residential care facilities provide assistance with personal care, supervision and accommodation in a safe and supportive environment. Personal care and supervision are provided by Residential Care Workers who are available on site at all times.

Nursing homes provide nursing and personal care on a 24-hour basis including care given under the supervision of a nurse, administration of medication and assistance with daily living.

Defined by: Department of Health and Wellness, Nova Scotia

Data Notes:

Long Term Care and Residential Care facilities data downloaded from Health and Wellness, Nova Scotia on April 16, 2020 data current as of February 15, 2019.


Elder Homes provide Level 2* or 3** assisted-living residential care for seniors. Level 2 Care* - Individual does not require significant medical support, is independently mobile with or without aids, may display some difficulty communicating, and requires minimal daily support from the home care program or in a facility that provides supportive care.Level 3 Care** - Individual has chronic health issues that are likely to result in further decline of functioning, is dependent on aids for mobility, may be non-verbal but can communicate with the use of aids and requires significant daily support from the home care program or in a facility that provides supportive care.

Continuing Care facilities provide Level 4*** or 5**** care for people who have complex care needs, require and can no longer be supported in their own homes or assisted living residential facilities.

Level 4 Care*** - Individual requires complete assistance with mobility, has limited ability to communicate, and requires moderate professional nursing care – all of which is provided in a Continuing Care Centre. This level of care is very rarely provided at home in any jurisdiction and is not within the scope of the home care program in Nunavut.

Level 5 Care**** - Individual requires significant medical and nursing support and has been diagnosed with a dementia related illness.

Defined by: Department of Health, Home and Continuing Care, Nunavut

Data Notes:

Data retrieved from the Department of Health, Nunavut on May 1, 2020.


Long-term care homes are places where adults can live and receive help with most or all daily activities access to 24-hour nursing and personal care.

Retirement homes are privately owned, they rent private accommodation to seniors who can live with little or no outside help. Retirement homes do not provide 24-hour nursing care.

Defined by: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario

Data Notes:

Data downloaded from the Ontario GeoHub from Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario on July 27, 2020. Long-term Care Homes and Retirement Homes were extracted from the “Ministry of Health Service Provider Locations” dataset.

Prince Edward Island:

Community Care Facilities are for individuals require light care, assistance with meals, bathing, medications, laundry and general basic supports for everyday living.

Nursing Home’s are for when individuals require a higher level of care with nursing supervision.

Defined by: Department of Health and Wellness, Prince Edward Island

Data Notes:

Data downloaded from the Department of Transportation, Prince Edward Island on June 2, 2020. Community Care and Nursing Homes extracted from the “Prince Edward Island Health Facilities” dataset. Data is current as of April 2020.


Centres d'hébergement de soins de longue durée (CHSLD) are residential and long-term care centres that provide temporary or permanent lodging, assistance, support and monitoring, as well as psychosocial, nursing, pharmaceutical, medical and rehabilitation services to adults who, because of their loss of functional and/or psychosocial autonomy, are no longer able to remain in their natural living environments.

Résidence privée pour aînés (RPA) are private seniors residences, collective dwellings for seniors aged over 65 years old. RPA must be awarded by the MSSS. Varying degree of services and level of care offered.

Defined by: Ministry of Health and Social Services, Quebec

Data Notes:

Data was downloaded from the Department of Health and Social Services, Quebec publication on July 27, 2020. CHSLD data was extracted from the “Map File of Health and Social Services Network Installations” dataset. Data current as of June, 2020.

RPA data was retrieved from Résidences Québec on June 2, 2020 and confirmed from the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Quebec Register of RPA’s.


Personal care homes provide lodging, meals and assistance with or supervision of the activities of daily living. They are privately owned and operated businesses, licensed and monitored by the Ministry of Health.

Special care homes (also called nursing homes) provide care when your needs can no longer be met in the community. Special care homes are run by the Saskatchewan Health Authority or operated by a provider that has a contract with the health authority.

Defined by the Ministry of Health, Saskatchewan

Data Notes:

Personal care homes data was retrieved from the Government of Saskatchewan on April 21, 2020. Data is current as of May 5, 2020.

Long term care data was retrieved from the Saskatchewan Health Authority on July 20, 2020 and each Regional Health Authority:

Athabasca Health Authority

Cypress Health Region

Five Hills Health Region

Heartland Health Region

Keewatin Yatthé Health Region

Kelsey Trail Health Region

Mamawetan Churchill River Health Region

Prairie North Health Region

Prince Albert Parkland Health Region

Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region

Saskatoon Health Region

Sun Country Health Region

Sunrise Health Region


Continuing Care is committed to the development and delivery of comprehensive care and services, providing long term care, home care and regional therapy services for citizens of Yukon. Facilities provide a varying level of care, intermediate and moderate assistance with activities of daily living and personal care on an intermittent basis. Extended, complex and special care require 24-hour, daily monitoring and extensive assistance with activities of daily living and professional care.

Defined by: Department of Health and Social Services, Yukon

Data Notes:

Data retrieved from Continuing Care, Yukon on May 5, 2020.

Copyright Text: Alberta Standards Compliance Reporting Continuing Care Branch, Alberta Health Continuing Care Services, Northwest Territories Continuing Care, Department of Health and Social Services, Yukon Department of Health and Community Services, Newfoundland Department of Health and Wellness, Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness, Prince Edward Island Department of Health, Nunavut Department of Social Development, New Brunswick Department of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy, Prince Edward Island Long Term & Continuing Care Association of Manitoba Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario Ministry of Health and Social Services, Quebec Ministry of Health, Saskatchewan Résidences Québec Saskatchewan Health Authority Seniors Services Branch, Ministry of Health, British Columbia

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

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Units: esriMeters

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