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Aquaculture_management_areas_v3 (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: Areas of proposed and operative aquaculture management areas in the Waikato Region.

Service ItemId: 5c264b91bf4e47e98fe6f6213d2e3b0e

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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This dataset is a merger of the current operative Waikato Region RCP, MPI proposed aquaculture areas, and a new proposed site in the Western Coromandel.

The the current operative Waikato Region RCP aquaculture areas include Wilson Bay Areas, A, B and C and the Coromandel Marine Farm Zones from the Waikato Regional Council data layer COASTAL_MARINE_FARM_ZONE

The areas of proposed aquaculture settlement areas in the Waikato Region are described below.


North-West Coromandel Aquaculture Settlement Area (ASA)

In 2016 the Minister gazetted a 250 ha ASA to reserve space for settlement discussions with the Hauraki iwi. The 2016 Waikato-East regional agreement provided Hauraki iwi with 50ha of useable mussel space (via RMA authorisations) in the ASA. However, as you already know, this was subject to an appropriate amendment to the plan to provide for mussel aquaculture in the ASA, so the regional agreement noted that the s360 process was an option to deliver the 50 ha.

When the Crown’s obligations are settled (in this example, a resource consent for the 50ha is approved), The Minister must remove, by notice in the New Zealand Gazette, the space from the ASA that is not required to meet the Crowns obligations. To date, the 250 ha ASA is still present as the 50ha of usable mussel space within the ASA has not been delivered to Hauraki iwi.

Proposed Marine Farming Zone – s360 process

In 2017 MPI began the process to enable 50 ha of useable mussel space in the ASA via s360 of the RMA. Through this process MPI and iwi identified a proposed ~100-ha marine farming zone in the south-western section of the ASA (images attached). Iwi wished to retain full flexibility over where/how they would locate the 50ha of farm blocks within that 100ha.

Benthic and water quality reports assessed the entire 250ha ASA to determine where the marine farming is best placed, with more detailed investigations focusing primarily on the environmental effects of 50ha of mussel farming in the southern border. However, without the Cultural Impact Assessment the marine farming zone never progressed. At present it is our understanding that the Cultural Impact Assessment is still outstanding.

Operative RCP Coastal Marine Farm Zone

Coastal marine farm zones in the Coromandel. These are from the current operative Regional Coastal Plan (RCP) for the Waikato Region.

Data layer source is from the COASTAL_MARINE_FARM_ZONE

Proposed Western Coromandel Aquaculture Management Areas

Information including spatial data layers were supplied to the Coastal science team at the Waikato Regional Council, who then decided the location of the proposed sites. The data layers included marine surveys for scallop, horse mussell, sponges, and habitat complexity.

Copyright Text: Waikato Regional Council, Ministry for Primary Industry (MPI).

Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates