ArcGIS REST Services Directory

Coastal_Vessel_Sewage_Discharge_Restriction_Area__v2 (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: Coastal vessel sewage discharge restriction areas for the Waikato Region.

Service ItemId: a46f18607fb347e4b8659985495cf112

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Vessel sewage discharge restriction layer:

- 500m seaward of MHWS, - 500m from marine farms ;  

- water depth less than or equal to 5m; 

- 200m from identified marine reserves; 

-500m from Maitaitai reserves identified under S186 Fisheries Act 


Coromandel Harbour refined: 

Across the Hautapu Channel and Coromandel Harbour as follows: 

Starting in the South of the Harbour entrance  

- a line from the western points of Deadmans Point to Rangipukea Island  to Calf Island Cow Island  

to Waimate Island to Motuoruhi Island to Moturua Island (Rabbit Island) 

then Northwards to Motukaramarama Island (Bush Island) 

Closing the line at Motukahaua Island (Happy Jack Island)  

to Elephant Cove on Motupotaka (Black Rocks) 

then to Colville Bay on a bearing of 66 degs 38 mins to the top of Colville Bay. 

Making sure the seaward extent is still 500m from the islands that are described above. 


Mercury Bay refined: 

Refined using a line between the top of Motukorure Island (Centre Island) and the top of Mahungarape Island (Round Island) 

Making sure the seaward extent is still 500m from the islands that are described above. 


Gannet Island: 

Included a 500m buffer around Gannet Island on the West Coast. 

Waikato Regional Council metadata link:

Copyright Text: DISCLAIMER : While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential), arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you. Waikato Regional Council should be acknowledged as owner of the dataset.

Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates