Service Description: Coastal water quality units for estuarine, Firth of Thames, and open coast areas. The estuarine areas were derived from the NZ coastal hydrosystem from the Ministry for the Environment. Report reference: Hume, T., Gerbeaux, P., Hart, D., Kettles, H., Neale, D. 2016. A classification of New
Zealand's coastal hydrosystems. Report prepared for the Ministry for the
Environment. Niwa Client Report 2016-062. 120pp. October 2016. This report can
be found on the Ministry for the Environment publication website
Service ItemId: d3a11528d0104a5580315f25dbfa0374
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: Coastal water quality units for estuarine, Firth of Thames, and open coast areas. The estuarine areas were derived from the NZ coastal hydrosystem from the Ministry for the Environment. Report reference: Hume, T., Gerbeaux, P., Hart, D., Kettles, H., Neale, D. 2016. A classification of New
Zealand's coastal hydrosystems. Report prepared for the Ministry for the
Environment. Niwa Client Report 2016-062. 120pp. October 2016. This report can
be found on the Ministry for the Environment publication website
Copyright Text: Report reference: Hume, T., Gerbeaux, P., Hart, D., Kettles, H., Neale, D. 2016. A classification of New
Zealand's coastal hydrosystems. Report prepared for the Ministry for the
Environment. Niwa Client Report 2016-062. 120pp. October 2016. This report can
be found on the Ministry for the Environment publication website
WRC request
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YMin: 5713740.4809
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Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
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