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DRAFT_Development_Areas (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: Development areas for the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan review, these areas are the Te Ariki Tahi (Sugarloaf Wharf) and the Kōpū Marine Precinct in the Thames Coromandel District.

Service ItemId: cb2509a8696045ab9eb082c48548b261

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Development areas for the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan review, these areas are the Te Ariki Tahi (Sugarloaf Wharf) and the Kōpū Marine Precinct in the Thames Coromandel District.

Kōpū Marine Precinct.

The $15.3 million cost of the project is being met through an $8.2 million grant from the government’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, $4.05 million from the Three Waters Reform ‘better off’ funding from the Department of Internal Affairs, $1.4 million from the Thames Community Board’s Thames Urban General-Purpose Reserve. The Thames Community Board is also underwriting $1.13 million, while staff seek funding applications through MBIE and Waikato Regional Council.

Land-based works began in early October with work on the commercial wharf beginning in March 2023. The new wharf, commercial boat slipway and recreational boat ramp should be completed in November 2023. Recreational boat trailer and car parking will follow in April 2024 with a public opening anticipated in May 2024.

Te Ariki Tahi (Sugarloaf Wharf)

Te Ariki Tahi/Sugarloaf Wharf upgrade will see the wharf platform extended and raised to account for rising sea levels. There will be four new berths for increased commercial mussel activity and a separate facility for launching for recreational boats. The existing car park footprint will remain.

As at July 2022 a fast-track resource consent process is underway to decide whether a $20 million upgrade of Te Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf in Coronmandel will go ahead.

If approved, the build will see the wharf platform extended and raised to account for sea-level rise. There will be four new berths for increased aquaculture activity and a separate facility for launching recreational boats.

The fast-track process has seen the Environmental Protection Authority appoint an Expert Consenting Panel to consider and determine the application.

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Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)

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