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Service Description: This liquefaction assessment has been undertaken in general accordance with the guidance document ‘Assessment of Liquefaction-Induced Ground Damage to Inform Planning Processes’ published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in 2017

Service ItemId: 7963b6d8c90148188796bedbc5729abd

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Description: To provide WRC with a region-wide liquefaction vulnerability assessment to identify areas of land susceptible to liquefaction as required in the RMA. The technical report and resulting map outputs will be used to inform planning and consenting processes. This work was supported by funding from the Waikato Regional Council. This assessment has been made at a broad scale across the entire region and is intended to approximately describe the typical range of liquefaction vulnerability across neighbourhood-sized areas. It is not intended to precisely describe liquefaction vulnerability at a property level.

The Level A assessment is a desktop study that is mainly based on the geological map (QMAP, 3rd edition 2020). To assess the potential hazard of lateral spreading, a geomorphic mapping was carried out using the NZDEM North Island 25 metre Digital Elevation Model available from LINZ data service. The hydrology network and water bodies data came from LINZ data service as well. The seismic hazard model used for the assessment is based on the National Hazard Model (Stirling, 2012) and the NZTA Bridge Manual methodology (NZTA, 2018). No regional seismic hazard model has been developed for the assessment, which means that we did not take into account the potential spatial variability in seismic hazard across the region.  The assessment does not include the geotechnical field investigations available on the NZ Geotechnical Database. However, the database has been consulted to check the properties of the ground and compare it with the geological information available.  Depth to groundwater was based on data from the Waikato Regional Council groundwater monitoring network up to June 2021. The National Water Table (NWT) model developed by GNS Science (Westerhoff, 2018) was also used in areas not covered by the groundwater network. However, the NWT model was used with very low weight in the spatial analysis due to its uncertainty.

Copyright Text: © Waikato Regional Council 2021. Regional Hazards Portal Data. © Waikato Local Authority Shared Services (LASS) 2021

Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)

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Units: esriMeters

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