Service Description: Soil stability data layer showing unstable points for the Waikato Region. Data source is from Waikato Regional Council technical report 'TR21-30 Soil stability in the Waikato Region 2007-2017'.
Service ItemId: 864115e6e2e341e18fe9a16faa7ebbaa
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
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Description: Soil stability data layer showing unstable points for the Waikato Region. Data source is from Waikato Regional Council technical report 'TR21-30 Soil stability in the Waikato Region 2007-2017'. The data for these points is shown on Figure 6 of the report.
Points classified as e - eroding unstable surfaces (freshly disturbed, bare) contain surfaces that are actively eroding and show evidence
of freshly disturbed soil. The West Coast zone had the highest proportion of points that were
classified as ‘actively eroding – e’ (19%) – followed by Lake Taupō (12%), Waipā (12%), Lower
Waikato (9%), and the Coromandel (8%). The Upper Waikato, Waihou-Piako, and Central
Waikato CMZs had less than 7% of points that showed evidence of active erosion. In terms of
risk for future erosion events, the West Coast management zone had the highest risk due to the
soft rock geology and steep slope classes. Erosion risk may be further exacerbated by high storm
frequency and rainfall intensity, both of which are likely to increase with climate change.
Copyright Text: Waikato Regional Council
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Initial Extent:
XMin: 1714792.73097552
YMin: 5676275.62146374
XMax: 1911562.84034914
YMax: 5876918.20531458
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Full Extent:
XMin: 1740870.8001
YMin: 5646348.3032
XMax: 1904919.1182
YMax: 5960428.6331
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Units: esriMeters
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