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WRC_SIB_Scedule_01062023_v10 (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: This data set has been produced for work on the Waikato Regional Council Coastal project and has been supplied for use by Waikato Regional Council (WRC) to identify significant indigenous biodiversity sites i.e. the coastal marine environment within the Waikato region. The SIBA layer area have been identified using the Waikato Regional Policy Statement Significance Criteria and the SIBA status was determined in accordance with NZCPS Policy 11. The mapping of the SIBA layer was a collaboration between Beca Ecologists, GIS specialist's and the WRC Coastal team. The SIBA layer has been through several iterations to understand the correct extents and attribution of the habitat layers around the Waikato coast. Background knowledge of the areas have come through several sources included the experts in the field, public GIS layers, and scientific reports, these sources can be found in the reports appendix. There has been 9 previous revisions of this dataset that has been amended by both Beca and WRC. This is version 10 and has been modified by WRC since the BECA supply on the 27th April 2023.

Service ItemId: a2a52f1650d14db48e0af9b76acd4d02

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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This file has been supplied with the understanding that consideration will be given to the appropriateness of any further application of this data, based on the following description.

An area shall be considered a Significant Indigenous Biodiversity Area A or B if it is consistent with the criteria and factors for Significant Indigenous Biodiversity Areas outlined in Table 1 from Table 11A-1 of the operative Waikato Regional Policy Statement 2016. These criteria have been used to determine the SIBAs listed in Table 2 and will be used to assess proposed future additions to the schedule. Significant Indigenous Biodiversity Areas are categorised in accordance with NZCPS Policy 11 and RPS Policy 11 as follows:

Significant Indigenous Biodiversity Areas – A (SIBA-A): Areas which, due to their physical form, scale or inherent indigenous biodiversity values, are regionally significant because of their: rarity; value to Threatened species; provision of critical habitat and/or vulnerable ecosystem types; and/or their disproportionate contribution to broader ecological functions and values. They are also considered to be vulnerable to any adverse effects of anthropogenic activities.

Significant Indigenous Biodiversity Areas – B (SIBA-B): Areas which, due to their physical form, scale or inherent biodiversity values, are regionally significant because of their: predominance of native vegetation; provision of indigenous habitat and/or vulnerable ecosystem types that also form important migratory pathways or ecological corridors in the coastal environment. They are considered more resilient ecosystem types, or ecosystem types that are widespread throughout the region.

This is version 10 and has been modified by WRC since the BECA supply on the 27th April 2023.

Copyright Text: Data provided by Beca, and modified by WRC.

Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates