Service Description: This layer displays lands in the United States managed by six federal agencies.
Service ItemId: 5e92f2e0930848faa40480bcb4fdc44e
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True
Supports Shared Templates: False
Source Schema Changes Allowed: true
Has Views: true
Has Sync Enabled Views: false
All Layers and Tables
Description: In the United States, the federal government manages lands in significant parts of the country. These lands include 193 million acres managed by the US Forest Service in the nation's 154 National Forests and 20 National Grasslands, Bureau of Land Management lands that cover 247 million acres in Alaska and the Western United States, 150 million acres managed for wildlife conservation by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, 84 million acres of National Parks and other lands managed by the National Park Service and over 30 million acres managed by the Department of Defense. The Bureau of Reclamation manages a much smaller land base than the other agencies included in this layer but plays a critical role in managing the country's water resources.
The agencies included in this layer are:
Dataset Summary
Phenomenon Mapped: United States lands managed by six federal agencies
Coordinate System: Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere
Extent: 50 United States plus Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and Northern Mariana Islands. The layer also includes National Monuments and Wildlife Refuges in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and the Caribbean Sea.
Visible Scale: The data is visible at all scales but draws best at scales greater than 1:2,000,000
Publication Date: Various - Esri compiled and published this layer in May 2023. See individual agency views for data vintage.
There are six layer views available that were created from this service. Each layer uses a filter to extract an individual agency from the service. For more information about the layer views or how to use them in your own project, follow these links:
What can you do with this Layer?
This layer is suitable for both visualization and analysis across the ArcGIS system. This layer can be combined with your data and other layers from the
ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro to create powerful web maps that can be used alone or in a story map or other application.
- In ArcGIS Online, you can add this layer to a map by selecting Add then Browse Living Atlas Layers. A window will open. Type "federal lands" in the search box and browse to the layer. Select the layer then click Add to Map.
- In ArcGIS Pro, open a map and select Add Data from the Map Tab. Select Data at the top of the drop down menu. The Add Data dialog box will open on the left side of the box, expand Portal if necessary, then select Living Atlas. Type "federal lands" in the search box, browse to the layer then click OK.
In both ArcGIS Online and Pro you can change the layer's symbology and view its attribute table. You can filter the layer to show subsets of the data using the filter button in Online or a definition query in Pro.
The data can be exported to a file geodatabase, a shapefile or other format and downloaded using the
Export Data button on the top right of this webpage.
This layer can be used as an analytic input in both Online and Pro through the Perform Analysis window Online or as an input to a geoprocessing tool, model, or Python script in Pro.
Copyright Text: Source: Esri, BLM, DoD, NPS, USFWS, USFS
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -12949562.480433
YMin: 3802995.37570333
XMax: -12747596.0791367
YMax: 4012074.58816669
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Full Extent:
XMin: -20037507.0672
YMin: -1733737.8192
XMax: 20037507.0672
YMax: 11521044.7365
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
Get Estimates
Create Replica
Synchronize Replica
Unregister Replica