Description: This point layer represents station specific statistical monthly summaries for of temperature (daily means, minimums, and maximums) and precipitation (mean sum, lowest, and highest) for the period including January 1986 through December 2006. The data were compiled at Esri from publicly available sources hosted and administered by NOAA. The following process was used to produce this dataset:1. Download the most current list of stations from Import this into Microsoft Excel and save as CSV. In ArcGIS, import the CSV as a geodatabase table and use the XY Event layer tool to locate each point. Using a detailed U.S. boundary extract the points that fall within the 50 U.S. States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. 2. Using Python with DA.UpdateCursor and urllib2 access the ACIS Web Services API to determine whether each station had at least 50 monthly values of temperature data for each station. Delete the other stations. Using Python add the necessary field names and acquire all monthly values for the remaining stations. 3. Using Python Add fields and convert the standard values to metric values so both would be present. Thus, there are four sets of monthly data in this dataset:a. Monthly means, mins, and maxes of daily temperatures - degrees Fahrenheit.b. Monthly mean of monthly sums of precipitation and the level of precipitation that was the minimum and maximum during the period 1986 to 2006 - mm.c. Temperatures in 3a. in degrees Celcius.d. Precipitation levels in 3b in Inches.Citations: Source data for station locations: Menne, M.J., I. Durre, B. Korzeniewski, S. McNeal, K. Thomas, X. Yin, S. Anthony, R. Ray, R.S. Vose, B.E.Gleason, and T.G. Houston, 2012: Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily (GHCN-Daily), Version 3. [indicate subset used following decimal, e.g. Version 3.24]. Accessed online on 1/18/2019 at for monthly averages for precipitation and temperature: Applied Climate Information System (ACIS). ACIS Web Services API: Accessed 1/18/2019 at The Applied Climate Information System (ACIS) was developed and is maintained by the NOAA Regional Climate Centers (RCCs). It was designed to manage the complex flow of information from climate data collectors to the end users of climate data information. The main purpose of ACIS is to alleviate the burden of climate information management for people who use climate information to make management decisions.