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These footprint extents are collapsed from an earlier 3D building model provided by Pictometry of 2010, and have been refined from a version of building masses publicly available on for over two years.
The building masses were manually split with reference to parcel lines, but using vertices from the building mass wherever possible.
These split footprints correspond closely to individual structures even where there are common walls; the goal of the splitting process was to divide the building mass wherever there was likely to be a firewall.
An arbitrary identifier was assigned based on a descending sort of building area for 177,023 footprints. The centroid of each footprint was used to join a property identifier from a draft of the San Francisco Enterprise GIS Program's cartograhic base, which provides continuous coverage with distinct right-of-way areas as well as selected nearby parcels from adjacent counties.
Based on review of Feature Class "sf13m_BldgFoot_withZ_20161005i_pgz"
The name implies an SF13(meters)(7131) projection of San Francisco building footprint features, including Z-attribute values, in Polygon-Z data type
Name Alias Type comment
OBJECTID OBJECTID ObjectID auto-generated unique ID key
Shape Shape Geometry Polygon-Z type
sf16_BldgID sf16_BldgID char-14 San Francisco Building ID using criteria of 2016-09, 6-char epoch, '.' , 7-char zero-padded AreaID or new ID in editing epochs after initial '201006.'
Area_ID Area_ID Long Epoch 2010.06 Shape_Area sort of 177,023 building polygons with area > ~1 sq m
sf_MBLR sf_MBLR char-20 San Francisco property key: Assessor's Map-Block-Lot of land parcel, plus Right-of-way area identifier derived from street Centerline Node Network (CNN)
P2010mass_ZminN88ft P2010mass_ZminN88ft Double Input building mass (of 2010,) minimum Z vertex elevation, NAVD 1988 ft
P2010mass_ZmaxN88ft P2010mass_ZmaxN88ft Double Input building mass (of 2010,) maximum Z vertex elevation, NAVD 1988 ft
gnd_cells50cm gnd_cells50cm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived ground surface grid, population of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
gnd_MINcm gnd_MINcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived ground surface grid, minimum value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
gnd_MAXcm gnd_MAXcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived ground surface grid, maximum value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
gnd_RANGEcm gnd_RANGEcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived ground surface grid, maximum value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
gnd_MEANcm gnd_MEANcm Double zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived ground surface grid, mean value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, from integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
gnd_STDcm gnd_STDcm Double zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived ground surface grid, 1 standard deviation of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, centimeters
gnd_VARIETYcm gnd_VARIETYcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived ground surface grid, count of unique values of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
gnd_MAJORITYcm gnd_MAJORITYcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived ground surface grid, most frequently occuring value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
gnd_MINORITYcm gnd_MINORITYcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived ground surface grid, least frequently occuring value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
gnd_MEDIANcm gnd_MEDIANcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived ground surface grid, median value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
cells50cm_1st cells50cm_1st Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived first return surface grid, population of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
MINcm_1st MINcm_1st Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived first return surface grid, minimum value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
MAXcm_1st MAXcm_1st Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived first return surface grid, maximum value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
RANGEcm_1st RANGEcm_1st Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived first return surface grid, maximum value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
MEANcm_1st MEANcm_1st Double zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived first return surface grid, mean value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, from integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
STDcm_1st STDcm_1st Double zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived first return surface grid, 1 standard deviation of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, centimeters
VARIETYcm_1st VARIETYcm_1st Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived first return surface grid, count of unique values of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
MAJORITYcm_1st MAJORITYcm_1st Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived first return surface grid, most frequently occuring value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
MINORITYcm_1st MINORITYcm_1st Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived first return surface grid, least frequently occuring value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
MEDIANcm_1st MEDIANcm_1st Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived first return surface grid, median value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer NAVD 1988 centimeters
hgt_cells50cm hgt_cells50cm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived height surface grid, population of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer centimeters
hgt_MINcm hgt_MINcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived height surface grid, minimum value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer centimeters
hgt_MAXcm hgt_MAXcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived height surface grid, maximum value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer centimeters
hgt_RANGEcm hgt_RANGEcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived height surface grid, maximum value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer centimeters
hgt_MEANcm hgt_MEANcm Double zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived height surface grid, mean value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, from integer centimeters
hgt_STDcm hgt_STDcm Double zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived height surface grid, 1 standard deviation of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, centimeters
hgt_VARIETYcm hgt_VARIETYcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived height surface grid, count of unique values of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer centimeters
hgt_MAJORITYcm hgt_MAJORITYcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived height surface grid, most frequently occuring value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer centimeters
hgt_MINORITYcm hgt_MINORITYcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived height surface grid, least frequently occuring value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer centimeters
hgt_MEDIANcm hgt_MEDIANcm Long zonal statistic: LiDAR-derived height surface grid, median value of 50cm square cells sampled in this building's zone, integer centimeters
gnd_Min_m gnd_Min_m Double summary statistic: zonal minimum ground surface height, NAVD 1988 meters
Median_1st_m Median_1st_m Double summary statistic: zonal median first return surface height, NAVD 1988 meters
hgt_Median_m hgt_Median_m Double summary statistic: zonal median height surface value, meters
gnd1st_delta gnd1st_delta Double summary statistic: discrete difference of (median first return surface -- minimum bare earth surface) for the building's zone, meters
peak_1st_m peak_1st_m Double summary statistic: highest cell value of first return surface in the building's zone, NAVD 1988 meters
Shape_Length Shape_Length Double GIS shape statistic: perimeter of the building polygon, meters
Shape_Area Shape_Area Double GIS shape statistic: area of the building polygon, square meters