Total_population_in_private_hou (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Total population in private households by Aboriginal identity, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
Total_recent_immigrant_populati (type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Total recent immigrant population in private households by selected places of birth, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
Total_number_of_private_househo (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Total number of private households by tenure, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
Median_value_of_dwellings____ (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Median value of dwellings ($), SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
Median_monthly_shelter_costs_fo (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Median monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings ($), SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
Total_population_aged_15_years_ (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Total population aged 15 years and over by highest certificate, diploma or degree, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
University_certificate__diploma (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: University certificate, diploma or degree at bachelor level or above, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
Total_population_in_private_h_1 (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Total population in private households by non-official languages spoken, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
Total_population_in_private_h_2 (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Total population in private households by visible minority, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)
Total_population_in_private_h_3 (type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Total population in private households by religion, SQL Type: sqlTypeOther, nullable: true, editable: true)