Service Description: The Payette County, Idaho Flood Risk Products (2024.09.26) Feature Service displays Flood Hazard Areas, Water Surface Elevations, and Depth.
Service ItemId: 8af0e0bd59864c62a9e031bc99dfcc67
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 1000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
- Draft Flood Hazard Area (as of September 26th, 2024) (0)
- Draft Flood Hazard Area (1% Annual Chance) (Plus 1ft, 2ft, 3ft) (as of September 26th, 2024) (1)
- Draft Water Surface Elevation (10% Annual Chance) (as of September 26th, 2024) (2)
- Draft Water Surface Elevation (4% Annual Chance) (as of September 26th, 2024) (3)
- Draft Water Surface Elevation (2% Annual Chance) (as of September 26th, 2024) (4)
- Draft Water Surface Elevation (1% Annual Chance) (as of September 26th, 2024) (5)
- Draft Water Surface Elevation (1% Annual Chance (Plus)) (as of September 26th, 2024) (6)
- Draft Water Surface Elevation (0.2% Annual Chance) (as of September 26th, 2024) (7)
- Draft Flood Depth (10% Annual Chance) (as of September 26th, 2024) (8)
- Draft Flood Depth (4% Annual Chance) (as of September 26th, 2024) (9)
- Draft Flood Depth (2% Annual Chance) (as of September 26th, 2024) (10)
- Draft Flood Depth (1% Annual Chance) (as of September 26th, 2024) (11)
- Draft Flood Depth (1% Annual Chance (Plus)) (as of September 26th, 2024) (12)
- Draft Flood Depth (0.2% Annual Chance) (as of September 26th, 2024) (13)
Description: The Payette County, Idaho Flood Risk Products (2024.06.26) Feature Service displays Flood Hazard Areas, Percent 30 Year Chance, Water Surface Elevations, and Depth for 0.2, 1, 1 (plus) 2, 4, and 10% Annual Chance flood events as of September 26th, 2024. For additional information, please contact FEMA Region 10 Risk MAP Implementation Section Chief Marshall Rivers at (425) 381-3773
Copyright Text: Map hosted by FEMA Region X. Supporting data provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Spatial Reference: 26911 (26911)
Vertical Spatial Reference: 105703 (6360)
Initial Extent:
XMin: 489122.052187319
YMin: 4869546.59362249
XMax: 547250.208375812
YMax: 4892104.49737211
Spatial Reference: 26911 (26911)
Vertical Spatial Reference: 105703 (6360)
Full Extent:
XMin: 498693.719691391
YMin: 4856756.67891177
XMax: 537671.802121228
YMax: 4890422.91821156
Spatial Reference: 26911 (26911)
Vertical Spatial Reference: 105703 (6360)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
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