Description: FIELD NAMECommentOBJECTIDUnique IdentifierTEXT2The Current Community Plan (if available)/Zoning- minimum parcel size for the polygonShape_LengShape LengthShape_AreaShape AreaGPA_CYCLEIntended for amendment date to the zoning of the polygonORDINANCEIntended for the ordinance number for the change in zoning for the polygonQUADIntended for the Quad sheet reference, to identify the zoning's within the quad sheet boundary for the hard copy print outs.TEXT1The Previous Zoning for the polygonTEXT3City/Town label for the polygonCommunityPlanIntended for the Community plan area label for the polygonLUDBecause TEXT2 was a breviation of the community plan area and the zoning, for some reason this field was created to show just the zoning.MinParcelSizeIntended to identify the minimum lot size for a specific zoning type.CityCity/Town label for the polygonWeb1This was intended to translate the acronyms of TEXT 2. I have a python scrypt that I run when updating the online zoning map that auto calculates this field each time I run a update which is why it is showing nothing at the moment.
Description: FIELD NAMECommentOBJECTIDUnique IdentifierTEXT2The Current Community Plan (if available)/Zoning- minimum parcel size for the polygonShape_LengShape LengthShape_AreaShape AreaGPA_CYCLEIntended for amendment date to the zoning of the polygonORDINANCEIntended for the ordinance number for the change in zoning for the polygonQUADIntended for the Quad sheet reference, to identify the zoning's within the quad sheet boundary for the hard copy print outs.TEXT1The Previous Zoning for the polygonTEXT3City/Town label for the polygonCommunityPlanIntended for the Community plan area label for the polygonLUDBecause TEXT2 was a breviation of the community plan area and the zoning, for some reason this field was created to show just the zoning.MinParcelSizeIntended to identify the minimum lot size for a specific zoning type.CityCity/Town label for the polygonWeb1This was intended to translate the acronyms of TEXT 2. I have a python scrypt that I run when updating the online zoning map that auto calculates this field each time I run a update which is why it is showing nothing at the moment.