ArcGIS REST Services Directory

CRWU_CREAT_Grid_Historic (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: This grid contains the values for historic gridded temperature and precipitation used in CREAT. The grid also contains historic hurricane values used in the Storm Surge Inundation Map.

Service ItemId: e43b7207f7644df7bed3b9165a36828c

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

All Layers and Tables



This gridded data contains the values for gridded temperature and precipitation climate variables used in CREAT. Historic data are provided for observations from 1981 – 2010. The grid also contains historic hurricane values used in the Storm Surge Inundation Map. Data from the Feature Service is used to create pop-up windows with details on the historic climate data for each grid cell location.

The Feature Service contains the following fields, which are used throughout the application:

Attribute Name Description
HurrGridID ID used by GeoPlatform hurricane map
grid_over_land Indicates if grid is over land
Longitude_Centroid Longitude
Latitude_Centroid Latitude
Longitude_Min Grid extents - min longitude
Latitude_Min Grid extents - min latitude
Longitude_Max Grid extents - max longitude
Latitude_Max Grid extents - max latitude
Coastal Coastal Grid Flag
Start_Year_Hurricane_Grid First Year of Hurricane Strikes Included 
End_Year_Hurricane_Grid Last Year of Hurricane Strikes Included
Hurricane_Track_Buffer Radius from Hurricane Center Included (nm)
Hurricane_Strikes_Category_1 Count of Category 1 Hurricane Strikes
Hurricane_Strikes_Category_2 Count of Category 2 Hurricane Strikes
Hurricane_Strikes_Category_3 Count of Category 3 Hurricane Strikes
Hurricane_Strikes_Category_4 Count of Category 4 Hurricane Strikes
Hurricane_Strikes_Category_5 Count of Category 5 Hurricane Strikes
All_Hurricane_Category_1_ 5 Count of Hurricane Strikes Category 1 - 5
PRECIP_HIST_ANNUAL_TOTAL_IN Annual historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_JAN_TOTAL_IN January historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_FEB_TOTAL_IN February historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_MAR_TOTAL_IN March historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_APR_TOTAL_IN April historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_MAY_TOTAL_IN May historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_JUN_TOTAL_IN June historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_JUL_TOTAL_IN July historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_AUG_TOTAL_IN August historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_SEP_TOTAL_IN September historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_OCT_TOTAL_IN October historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_NOV_TOTAL_IN November historic total precipitation (in)
PRECIP_HIST_DEC_TOTAL_IN December historic total precipitation (in)
TEMP_HIST_ANNUAL_AVERAGE_F Annual historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_JAN_AVERAGE_F January historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_FEB_AVERAGE_F February historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_MAR_AVERAGE_F March historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_APR_AVERAGE_F April historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_MAY_AVERAGE_F May historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_JUN_AVERAGE_F June historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_JUL_AVERAGE_F July historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_AUG_AVERAGE_F August historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_SEP_AVERAGE_F September historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_OCT_AVERAGE_F October historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_NOV_AVERAGE_F November historic average temperature (°F)
TEMP_HIST_DEC_AVERAGE_F December historic average temperature (°F)

Point of contact: Steve Fries (, EPA’s Creating Resilient Water Utilities Initiative

Copyright Text: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Spatial Reference: 4326 (4326)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriDecimalDegrees

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates