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GPRA_2020_RCRA_Property_Boundaries_R1 (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: To be used for illustrative purposes to display the approximate property boundaries of RCRA Corrective Action sites on the 2020 baseline in New England.

Service ItemId: aa12c956ac2043c785c5314cb3e11fa2

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Property boundaries as indicated in figures of all facilities subject to RCRA Corrective Action on the 2020 baseline in Region 1.

For more information on the RCRA Corrective Action dataset, please visit the following link for the extended metadata:

Copyright Text: Sebastian Rodriguez (EPA, R1), Timothy Liponis (ASRC Federal Vistronix, R1), Alexandra Dichter (EPA, R1), Dan Morse (ASRC Federal, Vistronix, R1), Rachel Congdon (EPA, R1, now HQ), State of Rhode Island (especially Joe Martella, Jeff Crawford, and Ashley Blauvelt of RIDEM), State of Maine (especially John Lynam of MEDEP), State of Connecticut, State of New Hampshire, State of Massachusetts, and State of Vermont (especially Marc Roy of VTDEC).

Spatial Reference: 4326 (4326)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriDecimalDegrees

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