Description: 2000 Census Urban Areas downloaded from the Cartographic Boundary Files for the 2000 Census. This layer is a subset of Urban Areas considered Urbanized Areas (LSAD_TRANS = Urbanized Areas).
Copyright Text: U.S. Census Bureau (2000). Cartographic Boundary Files - Urban Areas. Retrieved from []
Description: 2010 Census Urban Areas downloaded from the TIGER/Line shapefiles web interface for 2010. This layer is the subset of Urban Areas considered Urbanized Areas (UATYP=U).
Copyright Text: U.S. Census Bureau (2010). 2010 TIGER/Line Shapefiles. Retrieved from []
Description: 2020 Census Urban Areas downloaded from the TIGER/Line Geodatabase for 2020. Population data from 2020 census were associated with each urban area. This layer contains only 2020 Urban Areas that had 2020 populations greater than or equal to 50,000.
Copyright Text: U.S. Census Bureau (2020). TIGER/Line Geodatabases. Retrieved from []
U.S. Census Bureau (2020). List of 2020 Census Urban Areas. Retrieved from []