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OndaVerdeSoilSamplePoints_CRMS_2020_NDEP (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: This feature class contains soil sample points collected from the Onda Verde subdivision in Churchill County, Nevada. The Onda Verde subdivision is located within Operable Unit 2 of the Carson River Mercury Site (CRMS). Subdivisions located within the CRMS are required to undergo sampling per the Long Term Sampling and Response Plan.

Service ItemId: cf10782ac8e84279819df706b4fbac21

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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URS Corporation (URS) developed a Sampling and Analysis Plan in September 2011 that was consistent with the CRMS draft Long Term Sampling and Response Plan. URS submitted a draft SAP to NDEP for review and incorporated NDEP’s comments in the Final SAP. In October and November 2011, URS performed a Phase II ESA on the Site. The purpose of the investigation was to evaluate if impacts related to the CRMS are present on the 138 undeveloped residential lots and one partially developed lot. The lots subject to the Phase II ESA were owned by two separate entities and the Phase II ESA was divided accordingly.

  • Section I: URS sampled lots 2 - 160, located in the westernmost section of the subdivision. Samples took place between 10/24/2011 and 11/2/2011. The sample date in the attribute table indicates the last date in the sampling period for this segment.

  • Section 2: URS Corporation sampled lots M41 - M86, located in the easternmost section of the subdivision. Samples took place between 10/26/2011 and 11/1/2011. The sample date in the attribute table indicates the last date in the sampling period for this segment.

Sample locations were collected using a Trimble GeoXT GPS unit.

Analytical data for each sample point is contained with the related table, OndaVerde_SampleResults. Parameters sampled include mercury, arsenic, and lead.

Detailed information on the sampling procedure and laboratory analysis can be found in the following documents:

  • URS Corporation, Earl James Leaver, P.E., C.E.M., January 11, 2012, Phase II Environmental Site Investigation, ESA103278 Onda Verde L.L.C., North Side of Coleman Road and East of Highway 50, Fallon, NV 89510, letter report to Jack Yates, NDEP, Unpublished

  • URS Corporation, Earl James Leaver, P.E., C.E.M., January 11, 2012, Phase II Environmental Site Investigation, ESA102893 Michael Munoz, 2160 Verona Drive, Fallon, NV 89510, letter report to Jack Yates, NDEP, Unpublished.


Copyright Text: URS Corporation

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

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