Description: This EnviroAtlas dataset addresses the tree buffer along heavily traveled roads. The roads are interstates, arterials, and collectors within the EnviroAtlas community boundary. Forest is defined as Trees/ Forest and Woody Wetlands. Sufficient tree bufferage is defined as 25% coverage within the circular moving window with a radius of 14.5m at any given point along the roadway. There are potential negative health effects for those living in a location without a sufficient tree buffer. This dataset was produced by the US EPA to support research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas. EnviroAtlas ( allows the user to interact with a web-based, easy-to-use, mapping application to view and analyze multiple ecosystem services for the contiguous United States. The dataset is available as downloadable data ( or as an EnviroAtlas map service. Additional descriptive information about each attribute in this dataset can be found in its associated EnviroAtlas Fact Sheet (