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RiverParkSoilSamplePoints_CRMS_2020_NDEP (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: This feature class contains soil mercury sample points collected from the Riverpark subdivision in Lyon County, Nevada, along with the associated analytical data. The Riverpark subdivision is located within Operable Unit 1 of the Carson River Mercury Site (CRMS). Subdivisions located within the CRMS are required to undergo sampling per the Long Term Sampling and Response Plan (LTSRP).

Service ItemId: 664b00d71c084bb28be3e356e72f2c38

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Description: Soil investigation in the Riverpark subdivision took place over several phases. This feature class contains final grade samples taken in Phases III and IV. Resource Concepts, Inc. conducted the soil sampling on behalf of the developer Lennar Homes. All final reports were transmitted to NDEP. Each lot was sampled at two locations: one in the front yard and one in the back yard. One of the samples represented soils from 0 -1 foot below grade (fbg), and the other represented soils from 1- 2 fbg. Samples for each unit were taken over a span of several days. Sample date provided in the attribute table lists the final date of sampling. Sample date ranges for each unit are listed below: Phase III Unit 8: Samples were collected on December 28, 2004. Unit 11: Samples were collected between March 1 and March 6, 2006. Unit 12: Samples were collected between March 7 and March 9, 2006. Unit 13: Samples were collected between March 6 and March 15, 2006. Unit 14: Samples were collected on March 20, March 23, and March 24, 2006. Unit 15: Samples were collected between August 22 and August 28, 2006. Phase IV Unit 1: Samples were collected on October 10 and October 11, 2006. Unit 2: Samples were collected on October 25 and October 26, 2006. Unit 3: Samples were collected on April 3 and April 5, 2007. Unit 4: Samples were collected on November 28 and November 29, 2006. All samples were surveyed in the field using a Trimble 5800 survey-grade GPS receiver tied into centerline monuments. All sample results below the 0.05 mg/kg detection limit are recorded as ND (Non-Detectable). Sample locations were mapped by digitizing the original hardcopy of the following report figures: Figure 1-A, Official Plat of Riverpark Phase 4 Unit 1(Summit Engineering Corp., modified October 9, 2006), Figure 2-A Official Plat of Riverpark Phase 4 Unit 2(Summit Engineering Corp., modified October 9, 2006),Figure 3-A Official Plat of Riverpark Phase 4 Unit 3(Summit Engineering Corp., modified May 22, 2007), Figure 4- A, Official Plat of Riverpark Phase 4 Unit 4 (Summit Engineering Corp., modified November 27, 2006). Figure 8A, Final Subdivision for Riverpark Unit 8 (TEC Civil Engineering Consultants, modified April 21, 2006); Figure 8B Final Subdivision for Riverpark Unit 8 (TEC Civil Engineering Consultants, modified April 21, 2006); Final Subdivision for Riverpark Phase 3 Unit 13 (Harlan King & Assocs., modified March 7, 2006) and Final Subdivision for Riverpark Phase 3 Unit 14 (Harlan King & Assocs., modified March 9, 2006). Figure 11-A Revised, Final Subdivision Plat for Riverpark Unit 11 ( TEC Civil Engineering Consultants., modified March 29, 2006); Figure 12-A Revised, Final Subdivision Plat for Riverpark Unit 12 (TEC Civil Engineering Consultants., modified March 29, 2006). Figure 13-A, Final Map of Riverpark Phase 3 Unit 13 for Riverpark Properties, LLC (Harlan King & Assocs., modified March 29, 2006), Figure 15-A, Final Map of Riverpark Phase 3 Unit 15 for Riverpark Properties, LLC (Harlan King & Assocs., modified March 8, 2006). These figures include the note "Sample site locations are approximate relative to lot lines in this figure." Georeferencing of the sample locations included matching significant landmarks identified on the figures contained in the report to the CRMS geodatabase base map and current Lyon County AssessorĂ¢??s parcel map. Report figures and more information on field sampling procedures can be found in the following source documents: Resource Concepts, Inc., Robin A. Eppard, C.E.M., January 28, 2005, Pre-Grade Sample Data, Surface Samples, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Report for Reynen & Bardis Communities, Unpublished. Resource Concepts, Inc., Robin A. Eppard, C.E.M., December 2004, UNIT 8 Sampling and Analysis Plan, Mercury in Soils at Final Grade, Prepared for Reynen & Bardis, Unpublished. Resource Concepts, Inc., Robin A. Eppard, C.E.M., Carson River Mercury Site Reference Document, Riverpark Subdivision, Units 8, 13-20 Final Grade Sampling for Total Mercury in Soils, Riverpark Subdivision Phase III Dayton, NV, Draft April 27, 2006, Unpublished. Resource Concepts, Inc., Robin A. Eppard, C.E.M., Carson River Mercury Site Reference Document, Riverpark Subdivision, Phase III Units 8, 14, 16-20; Phase IV Units 1-5, Final GradeSampling for Total Mercury in Soils, Volume 4 of 5 Phase IV, Units 1,2, 3, Riverpark Subdivision Phase III and IV Dayton, NV, Final Document December 2006, Unpublished. Resource Concepts, Inc., Robin A. Eppard, C.E.M., Carson River Mercury Site Reference Document, Riverpark Subdivision, Phase III Units 8, 14, 16-20; Phase IV Units 1-5, Final Grade Sampling for Total Mercury in Soils, Volume 5 of 5 Phase IV, Units 4,5, Riverpark Subdivision Phase III and IV Dayton, NV, Final Document December 2006, Unpublished. Resource Concepts, Inc., Robin A. Eppard, C.E.M., Carson River Mercury Site Reference Document, Units 13 & 15 Final Grade Sampling for Total Mercury in Soils, Riverpark Subdivision Phase III, Dayton, NV, Final Document March 2011, Unpublished. Metadata:

Copyright Text: NDEP, Resource Concepts, Inc., Lennar Homes

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

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Units: esriMeters

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