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SMRPhaseIISoilSamples_CRMS_2020_NDEP (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: This feature class depicts the locations and analytical data for the soil samples collected as part of a preliminary investigation of Santa Maria Ranch subdivision Phase II. The sampling program was performed by Converse Consultants for Dayton Land Developers L.L.C.  in 2009. It is unclear if this portion of the subdivision is identified as Phase II, but geographically occupies that area of Santa Maria Ranch west of Daney Creek drainage. Santa Maria Ranch is located within Operable Unit 1 of the Carson River Mercury Site.

Service ItemId: 61aafe8825c145d7b4c0e91ea356465f

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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This feature class depicts the locations and analytical data for the soil samples taken by Converse Consultants in 2009. These samples represent a preliminary site characterization and the sample design was biased to the Town Ditch where it ran through the proposed development. Converse Consultants believed this diversion ditch represented a "most likely" source of contamination within the proposed development as it diverted water and sediment from the Carson River in vicinity of Winter Ranch. NDEP provided comment to the proposed sample design and additional sample locations were added. The following resources were used in compiling this dataset:

  • Converse Consultants, Kathi Brandmueller, P.E., C.E.M., January 19, 2009, Soil Sampling, Santa Maria Ranch Subdivision, Phase II, Dayton, Nevada, letter to Dale Denio, Dayton Land Developers, L.L.C., Unpublished. Preliminary soil sampling conducted prior to development. Sampling in this investigation restricted to 9 locations located within the former Town Ditch. Two soil samples analyzed from each location representing 0 to 1ft below ground surface and 1 to 2 ft below ground surface.

  • Converse Consultants, Kathi Brandmueller, P.E., C.E.M., June 30, 2009, Santa Maria Ranch Subdivision, Phase II, Dayton, Nevada, letter to David Friedman, NDEP, Unpublished. This letter transmits the GPS coordinates of the 9 locations of the soil samples collected from the Town Ditch and provides explanation of the sample design rationale as requested by NDEP.

  • Converse Consultants, Kathi Brandmueller, P.E., C.E.M., December 10, 2009, Soil Sampling, Santa Maria Ranch Subdivision, Phase II, Dayton, Nevada, letter to Dale Denio, Dayton Land Developers, L.L.C., Unpublished. Preliminary soil sampling conducted prior to development. This report of a supplemental investigation to the work reported in the January 19, 2009 document. The supplemental study was conducted at the request of NDEP after reviewing the January 19, 2009 findings report and sample design rationale described by Converse Consultants in the June 30, 2009 letter. NDEP requested additional samples be collected from three other areas with potential contamination within the proposed SMR Phase II study area. These areas of suspected contamination include Daney Canyon drainage, the Carson River 100-year floodplain and the historic Ophir Mill site. Near surface soil samples collected near the Ophir Mill site with high levels of mercury detected were reported in the CRMS OU1 RI. Five additional locations were sampled in this supplemental study. Two soil samples analyzed from each location representing 0 to 1ft below ground surface and 1 to 2 ft below ground surface. GPS coordinates for the 5 additional locations were provided in this report. Metadata

Copyright Text: NDEP Bureau of Corrective Actions

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates