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SMRPhaseIInitialBorrowSoilSamples_CRMS_2020_NDEP (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: This feature class depicts the locations and associated analytical data of initial borrow samples collected in 2004 for Santa Maria Ranch Phase I residential subdivision. The Santa Maria Ranch subdivision is located within Operable Unit 1 of the Carson River Mercury Site.

Service ItemId: 2b861bc083e44ab39e892a78e887cb69

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Description: This feature class depicts the locations and analytical data for the initial borrow samples taken by Converse Consultants in 2004 during construction of Santa Maria Ranch Phase I. The following resources were used in compiling this dataset: Converse Consultants, Kathi Brandmueller, P.E., C.E.M., February 29, 2004, Borrow Area Testing, Santa Maria Ranch, U-Save Cleaners(sic), Dayton, Nevada, Unpublished. Letter report to Dale Denio, North Tahoe Investment Group, L.L.C. summarizing 12 soil samples collected from test pits in vicinity of a historic pond called the “Old Pond” located on site. Converse Consultants, Kathi Brandmueller, P.E., C.E.M., July 27, 2004, Santa Maria Ranch, Dayton, Nevada, letter to Dale Denio, Dayton Land Developers, L.L.C., Unpublished. Letter report summarizing sampling and removal activities conducted February 19, 2004 through June 14, 2004 during site preparation and grubbing (mass grading) activities. Report describes 9 test pits excavated and sampled in areas of proposed borrow for backfill during construction, 12 soil samples from the historic pond area (Old Pond) reported in the February 29, 2004 report referenced above and 70 soil samples collected from across the site to assess and monitor areas of disturbed soil. The report’s analytical summary tables are categorized as Borrow Area Test Pits, Old Pond Area, and Mass Grading. Converse Consultants, drafted by KJB and checked by KIB, July 27, 2004, Test Pit Location Diagram, Figure No. 1, Unpublished. Sample location plan accompanying July 27, 2004 report referenced above. Figure 1 shows proposed Santa Maria Ranch Phase 1 parcel boundaries, streets and open space. It also includes roughly 35 acres of the eastern section of the property proposed to remain as open space. Figure 1 maps the locations of 128 sample locations, 64 locations labeled as “Sample Location Borrow” and 64 locations labeled as “Sample Location Fill”. Those locations identified as “Sample Location Fill” indicate the analytical result of the mercury concentration reported in mg/kg at the associated sample depth. The “Sample Location Fill” locations have no sample ID associated with them. The “Sample Location Borrow” locations have only a sample ID number associated with them. Sample concentrations have been associated with mapped locations using the report’s summary tables. No geographic coordinates were provide by Converse Consultants in the narrative report or on the accompanying figure. Sample locations were mapped by digitizing the original hardcopy Figure 1 and matching to significant landmarks in the CRMS geodatabase base map and current Lyon County Assessor’s parcel map. Additional Notes: Records with null values for mercury_results represent ND (non-detection). The test pit location diagram (Figure 1) contains fewer sample locations than indicated in the results table (65 on the map, vs. 68 in the results table). No results values were provided for fill samples, so those features are ommitted from this feature class. The test pit location diagram contains duplicate sample IDs; some of these sample IDs do not match those in the table. The best efforts were made to match up the sample locations on the map with the correct results. Metadata

Copyright Text: NDEP Bureau of Corrective Actions

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

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Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates   Create Replica