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Home > services > SMRPhaseIInitialSoilSamples_CRMS_2020_NDEP (FeatureServer) | | API Reference |
This feature class depicts the approximate locations and analytical data for initial samples taken by Pezonella Associates in 2003 as part of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment study of the Santa Maria Ranch Phase I subdivision under the LTSRP. The following resources were used in compiling this dataset: Pezonella Associates, Inc., John H. Johnson, P.E., C.E.M., March 28, 2003, Soil Sampling, Santa Maria Ranch near Dayton, Lyon County, Nevada, letter report to North Tahoe Investments summarizing 40 shallow soil samples prior to construction, Unpublished. See reference below for the SMR Phase I tentative map defining how NDEP located the 40 soil sample locations collected in this study. Western Engineering & Surveying Services, Drawn by NGL and WTG, Checked by DW, December 2002, Tentative Map for Santa Maria Ranch (a Planned Unit Subdivision), Unpublished. Tentative map of planned subdivision residential parcel and planned infrastructure lay-out, Pezonella Associates March 28, 2003 letter report identifies the sample locations of the preliminary investigation by lot numbers identified on this tentative map. This tentative map was georeferenced and samples were located by arbitrarily placing the sample point at the centroid of lot sampled. Three control points were used in georeferencing with a first order polynomial transformation. For quality control, proposed lot boundaries on the tentative map were compared to existing parcel boundaries from the Lyon County Assessor’s office.
*The lot numbers associated with each sample point correspond to the original lot numbers as identified in the Tentative Map for Santa Maria Ranch, produced by Western Engineering and Surveying Services in 2003. Lot numbers have since changed. The current lot numbers are indicated in the Santa Maria Ranch Phase I Parcels feature class. Metadata