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SoilSedimentHgSamples_CarsonLakePasture_1992_1994_USBR (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: This point feature class contains location information used for soil and sediment sampling of mercury contamination in and around the Carson Lakes and Pastures, Carson River Mercury National Priorities List Site, Nevada, USA. Samples were collected from 1992 to 1994 by the US Bureau of Reclamation to assess the risk posed to recreational users of the wetlands surrounding the Lake. Results from the survey can be found in a related table titled "Soil and Sediment Mercury Sample Results, Carson Lake and Pastures, 1992-1994, USBR." The report, summarizing the findings at this Lake, and several other recreational settings in the Carson River Basin, is entitled "Mercury in the Carson River Basin, California and Nevada", Technical Memorandum TSC-2005-8290-001, Craft, Fields and Yoder, October 2005.

Service ItemId: 59a3e787b58647adbd16f40459596544

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Description: This feature class is converted from GPS coordinates obtained using a GPSmap 60CSx unit from Garmin in the field by AEI Consultants. The attribute information is filled with contaminant (Arsenic, Lead, Mercury) concentrations of soils derived from the Shallow Subsurface Investigation provided by AEI Consultants dated on January 11, 2013. Source documents; AEI Consultants, Peter J. McIntyre, C.E.M., October 16, 2012, Draft Phase II Subsurface Investigation Work Plan Carson River Estates, Dayton, Nevada, report to Jack Yates, NDEP, Unpublished, AEI Consultants, Bryan Campbell, Program Manager, October 31, 2012, Identification of Revisions to the Draft Phase II Subsurface Investigation Work Plan Carson River Estates, Dayton, Nevada date October 16, 2012, Electronic mail correspondence to Jeff Collins, NDEP, Unpublished, AEI Consultants, Peter J. McIntyre, C.E.M., January 11, 2013, Shallow Subsurface Investigation, Property Identification: Carson River Estates, Dayton, Nevada, report to Chris Carlson, Sr. Vice-President, City National Bank, Unpublished. Metadata

Copyright Text: USBR

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

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Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates