ArcGIS REST Services Directory

Total_housing_units_Tiles (MapServer)

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Service Description:


Housing Metadata This map illustrates the number of housing units (both occupied and vacant) within each census block group in 2010. A housing unit is any living quarters, such as a house, apartment, or mobile home.This EnviroAtlas hosted feature layer includes data that illustrate accessibility, demographics, employment, and housing characteristics for the Conterminous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.

This dataset was produced by the US EPA to support research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas. EnviroAtlas ( allows the user to interact with a web-based, easy-to-use, mapping application to view and analyze multiple ecosystem services for the contiguous United States. The dataset is available as downloadable data ( or as an EnviroAtlas map service. Additional descriptive information about attributes in this dataset can be found in its associated EnviroAtlas Fact Sheet (

Metadata URI: N/A
Keywords: EnviroAtlas, Land use, transportation, planning, smart location index, EPA, location efficiency

Map Name: Total_housing_units_Tiles

Capabilities: Map,ChangeTracking,TilesOnly,Tilemap


Housing Metadata This map illustrates the number of housing units (both occupied and vacant) within each census block group in 2010. A housing unit is any living quarters, such as a house, apartment, or mobile home.This EnviroAtlas hosted feature layer includes data that illustrate accessibility, demographics, employment, and housing characteristics for the Conterminous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.

This dataset was produced by the US EPA to support research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas. EnviroAtlas ( allows the user to interact with a web-based, easy-to-use, mapping application to view and analyze multiple ecosystem services for the contiguous United States. The dataset is available as downloadable data ( or as an EnviroAtlas map service. Additional descriptive information about attributes in this dataset can be found in its associated EnviroAtlas Fact Sheet (

Copyright Text:

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)


All Layers and Tables


Single Fused Map Cache: true

Export Tiles Allowed: False

Max Tiles Export Count: 100000

Cache on Demand: False

Tile Info:

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min. Scale: 591657527.591555

Max. Scale: 80000

Min LOD: 0

Max LOD: 12

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types:

Supported Operations:   Export Tiles