Service Description: Ocean disposal locations of vessels disposed under an Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) General Permit for the Transportation and Disposal of Vessels at Sea since 2006.
Service ItemId: 35f423e68f71413095be3347f79c5aa0
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
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Description: This point vector dataset contains ocean disposal locations of vessels disposed under an MPRSA General Permit for the Transportation and Disposal of Vessels at Sea from 2006 to 2021. The EPA may authorize the disposal of vessels at sea under an MPRSA General Permit for the Transportation and Disposal of Vessels when land-based alternatives are not feasible. Prior to disposal of a vessel at sea, qualified personnel remove, to the maximum extent practicable, all materials which may degrade the marine environment. This includes emptying and flushing all fuel lines and tanks, and removing from the hull other pollutants and readily detachable material capable of creating debris or contributing to chemical pollution. For more information, please visit:
All coordinates have been transformed to WGS 84.
Note: This map is for informational purposes only and has not been prepared for, nor is it suitable for, legal or related matters.
Point of contact: Betsy Valente, EPA Office of Water/OWOW/OWCD/FMRB,
Copyright Text: U.S. EPA Ocean Dumping Management Program
Spatial Reference: 54004 (54004)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -15553969.7335279
YMin: 2720540.62036072
XMax: -4474952.80971924
YMax: 7413735.28947413
Spatial Reference: 54004 (54004)
Full Extent:
XMin: -19650747.2505069
YMin: 1152264.39554384
XMax: 18605159.0179515
YMax: 7916910.85229324
Spatial Reference: 54004 (54004)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
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