Service Description: This service contains census tracts with caveats in the 2017 AirToxScreen. These tracts are caveated because the 2017 AirToxScreen results show high cancer risk, but these risks may have changed since 2017.
Service ItemId: 9784c4b2f1ce4af38d61bc91182a0551
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: This service contains census tracts with caveats in the 2017 AirToxScreen. These tracts are caveated because the 2017 AirToxScreen results show high cancer risk, but these risks may have changed since 2017. Risks may have changed because they are due to wildfires or because facilities that contributed to risk have shutdown or implemented emission controls since 2017. These caveated tracts are highlighted with the appropriate caveats in the 2017 AirToxScreen Mapping Tool.
Copyright Text: USEPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS)
Spatial Reference: 102965 (6350)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -2908653.22676517
YMin: 1700301.51750813
XMax: 3996987.32764786
YMax: 3346001.48999653
Spatial Reference: 102965 (6350)
Full Extent:
XMin: -2034224.97739181
YMin: -509832.74306513
XMax: 3122559.0782745
YMax: 3162390.33604121
Spatial Reference: 102965 (6350)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
Get Estimates