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ARNOLD_2024_HPMS (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: The Routes event is at the core of the Linear Reference System (LRS). LRS data provides a spatial reference for all the data in the Roadway Inventory System. The Route IDs, which are unique in character, are in concert with the Route IDs that are contained in all the other events in Roads and Highways. This spatial data coupling (i.e. representing roadway attribute data in a spatial format) enables analysis data within a GIS environment. At a minimum, the LRS includes all Public Roads as defined by CFR 23, Part 460.3. It includes all public roads including ramps located within grade-separated interchanges. This roadway network is termed the ‘All Roads Network of Linear Reference Data’ or ARNOLD. The NMDOT LRS goes further than the minimum ARNOLD requirements and includes non-dual carriageway routes as needed by various NMDOT partners. Uses: Necessary for Roads and Highways. HPMS, Bride Management, Pavement Management, Maintenance Management, Fatalities, Tracs, Federal funding. For Certfied Mileage Calculation do NOT simply take the shapelength of each route and SUM!! Calculated Certified Mileage is done by using the FacilityType feature and REMOVING ALL sections with a facility type >=3. Then SUM the remaining sections with the actual length ("FromMeasure - TwoMeasure") of each section. Guidance: Every Road in New Mexico is assigned a Route Number, such as Interstate "25." Each of the numbered routes is also assigned a prefix such as "I" for Interstate. Each numbered route is also assigned a suffix of "P" and/or "M" (ramps have the "P" internal to the RouteID). The "P" suffix designates the "route direction" and is also known as the Inventory Direction. This is not necessarily the same as the compass direction. Some routes also have a "M" suffix. This is also known as the non-inventory direction. Thus, you may have an "I25P" and an "I25M." Generally speaking, "M" side routes exist where there is a four foot separation and/or a physical barrier between the opposing directions...

Service ItemId: 8c4cac9339204adb885fc327a88abd96

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

All Layers and Tables



Fields / Coding / Description:

RouteID: This is the official RouteID for each route in Roads and Highways. It is a combination of the following fields; RouteGroup / RouteNumber / RouteDirection. Plus, when it is a grade separated interchange, the InterchangeLocation and RampElement fields are also included.


This prefix exists on all routes and can be used to approximately determine state ownership of the routes.

I - Interstate – Interstate Signed Routes

BL - Business Loop – Interstate Signed Business Loops

US - US Route – US Signed routes

NM - NM State – State Owned Signed Routes

BIA - Bureau of Indian Affairs – Bureau of Indian Affair routes NOT USED.

FL - Federal Aid – Routes on the FHWA Federal Aid system that are not state owned or maintained. Note that there are exceptions such as state owned parts of FLs that go over/under state right of way and some legacy routes.

FR - Frontage Road – Routes that generally abut major routes that the NMDOT owns or maintains.

FS - Forest Service – Forest Service signed Routes – this feature should not be used to determine all Forest Service routes in the state – use the “Ownership” feature.

FW - Fish and Wildlife Service - this feature should not be used to determine all Forest Service routes In the state – use the “Ownership” feature.

SP - State Park – Routes owned by the New Mexico state parks department. These routes are maintained by the NMDOT.

LOC - Local – Routes that are not state owned or maintained and are not on the federal aid system. This prefix accounts for the majority of the routes in the Roadway Inventory System database.

IX - Interstate Ramp – Grade separated interchanges and the various ramp legs exiting or entering the interstates.

BLX - Business Loop Ramp - Grade separated coming off the Business Loop signed routes.

USX - US Route Ramp- Grade separated interchanges and the ramps coming off or on the US signed routes.

NMX - NM State Route Ramp- Grade separated interchanges coming off or on the NM signed routes.

FLX - Federal Aid Local Ramp- Grade separated interchanges coming off or on the Federal Aid routes.

AI - Alternative Intersection – These routes are topological connectors and, for dedicated turn lanes that are barriered and not grade separated. (These are NOT used for the states certified mileage)

RAI - Rest Area Interstate

RAU - Rest Area US Route

RAN - Rest Area NM Route

DD - Department of Defense - Department of Defense owned routes NOT USED.

STU - Unsigned State-Owned Routes – This prefix is for routes that are maintained by the state but have not been officially placed on the state-owned maintained system.

RouteNumber: A required field in the Roadway Inventory System. The number matches the signed route number for state owned routes (I, BL, US, NM, and FRs). For "%X%" and "R%" routes this represents the number of the mainline route servicing the ramp or rest area services. When available the number also represents the signed County owned route number. For all other routes the number is a randomly generated number.


P Positive: This is the inventory direction of the route. The routes are digitized in this direction. If MilePosts are present on a route, the Positive direction is the increasing MilePost direction. If no MilePosts are present we use the historical direction in which the routes were first digitized. For the rest of the routes the P side generally goes from South to North and West to East but not always.

M Minus: Minus side routes are created using ARNOLD manual guidance from FHWA regarding Dual Carriageway digitization. The NMDOT also includes M sides on other roads that are not dual carriageway on a case by case basis as needed by individual Divisions such as Bridge locations and pavement collection on non-divided highways.

InterchangeLocation:This number represents the milepost location of grade separated interchanges (Those with an "X" in the RouteGroup column).

RampElement: In general terms, the individual ramp leg coded as the one nearest the parent route (A,G,N,T) to the leg furthest from the parent route (D,J,Q,W). Note that “+” means positive or “P” side of the route and “-“ indicates the minus or “M” side of the route.

A - A - First Off-Ramp In + Dir

B - B - Second Off-Ramp On The + Dir

C - C - Third Off-Ramp On The + Dir

D - D - Fourth Off-Ramp On The + Dir

G - G - First On-Ramp In + Dir

H - H - Second On-Ramp On The + Dir

I - I - Third On-Ramp On The + Dir

J - J - Fourth On-Ramp On The + Dir

N - N - First Off-Ramp In - Dir

O - O - Second Off-Ramp On The - Dir

P - P - Third Off-Ramp On The - Dir

Q - Q - Fourth Off-Ramp On The - Dir

T - T - First On-Ramp In - Dir

U - U - Second On-Ramp On The - Dir

V - V - Third On-Ramp On The - Dir

W - W - Fourth On-Ramp On The - Dir

RouteDominance:Where two or more routes share the same stretch of pavement, the Dominant route uses the below codes to determine the RouteID. If two or more of the same RouteGroup share the same stretch of pavement, the lower numbered route is the dominate route.

1. Interstate

2. Business Loop

3. US Route

4. NM Route

5. Other

CalibrationType:The type of original calibration used for determining the length of a route in the legacy to Roads and Highways migration. These may not represent the current type of calibration. All routes entered into Roads and Highways since the migration and all existing routes that were subsequently modified since the migration use GEOM - Shape Length Calibration despite of the coding in this feature.

DMI - Distance Measure Instrument - Field Calibration

GEOM - Shape Length Calibration

MANDLI - Mandli Driven Measures (Note: Mandli was the pavement collection vendor from 2013 to 2017)

MANUAL - Manually Updated after Shape Calibration

CardinalDirection: The general direction the inventory direction (P prefixed routes) runs. This data should not be used as authoritative as it is autogenerated and many routes are mile posted in the opposite direction. The Roadway Inventory System inventory direction follows those mileposts and not the autogenerated CardinalDirection.

N North

S South

E East

W West

NW Northwest

NE Northeast

SE Southeast

SW Southwest

Source: This was part of the original legacy to Roads and Highways migration. The Roadway Inventory Program has heavily edited this feature since the migration in 2018.

Updated: Various: The NMDOT uses the E911 system to update Non-state owned Local routes every other year. Other data sets may also be used as well. State Owned Routes are updated as data becomes available at the conclusion of construction projects.

Update Procedure: The NMDOT reviews the routes used by other systems and compares with the most recent NAIPS for verification. These routes are then digitized into the Roadway Inventory System. The Roadway Inventory System also uses CADD as built files for some updates. For other State Owned Routes artist drawings or renderings may also be used. CADD files and other photos/drawing are georeferenced until actual imagary is available.

Quality: Very Good,

Connected Systems: All connected databases (Automated or Manual) use this feature.

Non-connected Systems: All

Copyright Text: NMDOT, Roadway Inventory Program

Spatial Reference: 26913 (26913)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates   Create Replica