ArcGIS REST Services Directory

National_Bridge_Inventory (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: Linear representation of structures in New Mexico. This includes bridges > 20 feet and over in length and all tunnels. Causeways also fall under this feature however, none exist in New Mexico. Use: For analysis in the national highway database and pavement performance analysis/reporting Guidance: Bridges shall meet a minimum length requirement of > 20 feet (per the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) guidelines in accordance with 23 CFR 650.305) in order to be deemed a “structure.” Per NBI guidelines, culverts >20 feet shall be reported for this data item; all other culverts are to be excluded. A tunnel is a roadway below the surface connecting to at-grade adjacent sections. The Structure Type field is for HPMS reporting. The Suface_Type_108A field is for pavement alignment purposes (Uses NBI coding manual codes). HPMS item: 4 MIRE item: 109 LRS: All route types including those not open to the public. Extent: HPMS: Full Extent on Functional Systems 1 - 5 plus, Functional System 6 in Urban Areas HPMS calculation method: homogenous sections. MIRE: Non FDE. (BIN only) NMDOT codes wherever data item is present.

Service ItemId: c9c76fcf9e504ba594b963fda84a544c

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Fields / Coding / Description:

Structure Type:

1. Bridge

2. Tunnel

3. Causeway


Length of the structure in miles.


Bridge Identification Number as assigned by the NMDOT or National Bridge Inventory reporting entity.


1. Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck)

2. Integral Concrete (separate non-modified layer of concrete added to structural deck)

3. Latex Concrete or similar additive

4. Low Slump Concrete

5. Epoxy Overlay

6. Bituminous

7. Wood or Timber

8. Gravel

9. Other

0. None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck)

N. Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck)

Source: Bridges reported by the NMDOT are from the NMDOT Bridge Management Program. Non-NMDOT reported bridges are from the annual National Bridge Inventory (NBI) report.

Updated: NMDOT reported bridges/tunnels are updated on an as requested basis or updated en masse starting in Februaryof each calendar year. Non-NMDOT reported NBI bridges are updated when the annual NBI report is published (usually around September).

Update Procedure: The NMDOT Bridge Section and the Roadway Inventory program review each others data starting usually in February of each year. Updates are made by both the Roadway Inventory Program and the Bridge Program in their respective databases where required. For the full updating process please contact the NMDOT Roadway Inventory Program.

Quality: Good

Connected Systems: eSTIP

Non-Connect Systems: HPMS, MIRE, NBI, AASHTOWare Safety,

Copyright Text: NMDOT, National Bridge Inventory, HPMS, Bridge Management Bureau.

Spatial Reference: 26913 (26913)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates