Service Description: The National Highway System (NHS) as designated by the NMDOT and FHWA. The National Highway System (NHS) is a network of strategic highways within the United States, including the Interstate Highway System and other roads serving major airports, ports, military bases, rail or truck terminals, railway stations, pipeline terminals and other strategic transport facilities.
Use: The NHS is used for analysis, mapping of NHS information, defining extent for performance metric rating determination, and for federal funding. FHWA also has requirements for roads on the NHS such as bridge inspections, billboards, signs, ETC.
Guidance The feature is approved by the FHWA and any substantive modification must have prior FHWA acceptance.
HPMS item: 64
MIRE item: 22 - FDE
LRS: Inventory and non-Inventory directions, ramps not included.
HPMS: Full extent on all public roads.
HPMS: calculation: Homogenous sections.
MIRE: FDE – Full extent where exists.
Service ItemId: 0d75967d305b4133821a15459068e6f4
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: Fields / Coding / Description:
1 Is on the NHS
2 Major Airport
3 Major Port Facility
4 Major Amtrak Station
5 Major Rail/Truck Terminal
6 Major Inter-city Bus Terminal
7 Major Public transit Terminal/Multi-modal Passenger Terminal
8 Major Pipeline Terminal
9 Major Ferry Terminal
Source: NMDOT Planning Division
Updated: Any updates to the NHS must be approved by FHWA. They can be initiated at any time. The last update occurred in 2016. Otherwise normal Roads and Highways Event Behavior applies.
Update Procedure: After FHWA approves a change, the Roadway Inventory Program makes the appropriate edits to the Roadway Inventory System.
Quality: Good
Connections: MS2 ( Traffic Monitoring); PMS, MMS (Pavement Agile Assets System)
Non-Connected Systems: HPMS, MIRE, BrM
Copyright Text: NMDOT, Planning, Roadway Inventory, FHWA
Spatial Reference: 26913 (26913)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -428008.806556592
YMin: 3352479.08933648
XMax: 1459236.7713526
YMax: 4436060.40047711
Spatial Reference: 26913 (26913)
Full Extent:
XMin: 118414.7176
YMin: 3517712.8984
XMax: 681359.8794
YMax: 4102380.2533
Spatial Reference: 26913 (26913)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
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