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Please refer to the Highway Performance Monitoring System field guide (HPMS) and the Traffic Monitoring Guide (TMG) for complete details.
Fields / Coding / Description
Traffic SectionID: The linear traffic section's unique identification number. (Known as LocationID in Traffic Monitoring's MS2 database)
StationID: The unique ID for a permanent traffic counter.
SequenceNumber: Reserved for Traffic Monitoring Program.
CUTruckAADT: Commercial Unit Truck Annual Average Daily Traffic. - Annual Average Daily Traffic for vehicles classed 8 through 13 in FHWA's Traffic Monitoring Guide.
DFactor: Directional Factor - The percent of design hour volume (30th largest hourly volume for a given calendar year) flowing in the higher volume direction.
FutureAADTYear: Year of Forecasted AADT
FutureAADT: Forecasted AADT for FutureAADTYear
KFactor:The design hour volume (30th largest hourly volume for a given calendar year) as a percentage of AADT.
Pct_DH_Combination: Design Hour Commercial Unit Truck Percent. The traffic sections design hour percent of Trucks classed 8 through 13 in FHWA's Traffic Monitoring Guide. Note: This is NOT the overall average of Commercial trucks on the traffic section.
Pct_DH_Single_Unit: Design Hour Percent Single Unit Truck Percent. The traffic sections design hour percent of Trucks classed 4 through 7 in FHWA's Traffic Monitoring Guide. Note: This is NOT the overall average of Single Unit trucks on the traffic section.
SUTruckAADT: Single Unit Truck Annual Average Daily Traffic. - Annual Average Daily Traffic for vehicles classed 4 through 7 in FHWA's Traffic Monitoring Guide.
AADTYear: Year of listed Annual Average Daily Traffic
AADT: Annual Average Daily Traffic
LatestVolumeDate: Date of the latest actual volume count of a traffic section (short term or long term count)
LatestClassDate: Date of the latest actual class count of a traffic section (short term or long term count)
AADTSource: Source and Type of AADT data
SUSource: Source and Type of Single Unit Truck data
CUSource: Source and Type of Commercial Unit Truck data
Domains for AADT/SU/CU Source
A. State or Local Government Agency, Actual Count
B. State or Local Government Agency, Calculated Count
C. Private or Non-Government Agency, Actual Count
D. Private or Non-Government Agency, Calculated Count
E. Other
Source: NMDOT Traffic Monitoring Program
Original Date: 2018 - From the ARNOLD project via TIMS.
Updated: Annually, after the end of calendar year processing is completed by the Traffic Monitoring Program
Update Procedure: The Traffic Monitoring Program provides the Roadway Inventory Program a CSV file populated by their MS2 application. Note that Traffic Data Loaded into the Roadway Inventory System does not become official data approved by FHWA until August 15. The data is populated in the Roadway Inventory System using Esri's Location Referencing "append" tool - retire overlaps.
Quality: Good. Please note that AADT and other traffic items that exist upon "LOC" prefixed routes are County Averages and do not represent actual counted traffic segments.
Fields / Coding / Description:
1 - Interstate
2 - Principal Arterial – Other Freeways and Expressways
3 - Principal Arterial – Other
4 - Minor Arterial
5 - Major Collector
6 - Minor Collector
7 – Local
Source: NMDOT Planning Division, Original data: TIMS legacy database (2018)
Updated: This is the current up to date FHWA approved Functional System. The functional system is reviewed as a whole several years after the decennial census is completed. Interim updates may be done on individual routes with approval of FHWA.
Update Procedures: When new routes are added, the NMDOT Roadway Inventory Program populates this event with Functional System 7 "Local." Other changes are entered by the NMDOT Planning Division's Roadway Inventory Program as communicated by the NMDOT Planning Division Govt to Govt Bureau including, but not limited to, the decennial census update referenced above.
Quality: High
Connected Systems:
MS2 (Traffic Monitoring);
PMS, MMS (Pavement Agile Assets System);
EStip (Financial); Project in Process
Non-Connected Systems: HPMS, MIRE, FARS/TraCS
Fields / Coding / Description:
00820 Alamogordo, NM
03223 Artesia, NM
04587 Aztec, NM
08353 Bloomfield, NM
13807 Carlsbad, NM
18208 Clovis, NM
23338 Deming, NM
27874 Espanola, NM
32437 Gallup, NM
34489 Grants, NM
39214 Hobbs, NM
45436 Kirtland, NM
47989 Las Vegas, NM
51418 Los Alamos, NM
51769 Lovington, NM
70912 Portales, NM
73450 Raton, NM
76447 Roswell, NM
76636 Ruidoso, NM
79525 Santa Rosa, NM
81685 Shiprock, NM
82036 Silver City, NM
82738 Socorro, NM
86653 Taos, NM
88678 Truth or Consequences, NM
88813 Tucumcari, NM
94915 White Rock, NM
01171 Albuquerque, NM
27253 El Paso, TX-NM
29278 Farmington, NM
47935 Las Cruces, NM
51499 Los Lunas, NM
79363 Santa Fe, NM
99998 Small Urban
99999 Rural
1 Large Urban
2 Small Urban
3 Rural
Source: NMDOT Planning Division and the US Census Program in conjuction with FHWA and the NMDOT Roadway Inventory Program.
Updated: Several years after every census.THE NMDOT ADJUSTS THE CENSUS DESIGNATED URBAN BOUNDARIES! Last Updated October 2024.
Updated Procedure: The NMDOT Planning and Roadway Inventory Program work together with the various external partners to created the updated polygons. These polygons are then turned into a Linear Reference System and populated into Roads and Highways by the Roadway Inventory Program. Several years after every census. Last updated in October 2024. Note that Zuni andChaparral are no longer small urban areas (population decrease from the 2010 urban area).
Quality: Good.
Connected systems: MS2, AgileAssets, eSTIP (in process).
Non-Connected systems: HPMS, UNMCrash, MIRE AASHTOWare Safety.