Service Description: THE NMDOT ADJUSTS THE CENSUS DESIGNATED URBAN BOUNDARIES! The 2020 U.S. Census Urban Area Code as modified by the NMDOT in conjuction with FHWA. Note that New Mexico does adjust its urban boundaries. Using the census urban area polygons will not result in a direct match with NMDOT reporting and statistics.
Use: For the querying and analysis of data (e.g., transportation performance management (TPM) metrics, Federal-aid project information, etc.) by the unique identification of a State’s urbanized areas, and generically by small urban or rural areas.
Guidance: A Large Urban Area (urbanized area) is an area with a population of 50,0000 or more. A small urban area shall be derived from Census Urban Clusters that are not located within an urbanized area, with a Census defined population of at least 5,000. All other areas are designated as Rural (population 0 to 4,999). For HPMS, coding for this Data Item shall match the Large Urban Area boundaries designated code. For small urban areas code '99998'. All others code '99999.' This Data Item shall also be reported for all ramp sections contained within grade separated interchanges. A Census Urbanized Area can be expanded for transportation purposes. This Adjusted Urbanized Area, once approved by FHWA, shall be identified using the Census Urban Area Code for the Urbanized Area upon which the adjusted area is based upon.
HPMS items: 2
MIRE items: 7
LRS: All routes and Facility Codes (AI prefixed routes excluded)
HPMS: All Routes
HPMS Calculation: Homogenous sections.
MIRE: FDE: All Routes
Service ItemId: 55be99a969ea4bb991d4db1a2482ada5
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: Fields / Coding / Description:
00820 Alamogordo, NM
03223 Artesia, NM
04587 Aztec, NM
08353 Bloomfield, NM
13807 Carlsbad, NM
18208 Clovis, NM
23338 Deming, NM
27874 Espanola, NM
32437 Gallup, NM
34489 Grants, NM
39214 Hobbs, NM
45436 Kirtland, NM
47989 Las Vegas, NM
51418 Los Alamos, NM
51769 Lovington, NM
70912 Portales, NM
73450 Raton, NM
76447 Roswell, NM
76636 Ruidoso, NM
79525 Santa Rosa, NM
81685 Shiprock, NM
82036 Silver City, NM
82738 Socorro, NM
86653 Taos, NM
88678 Truth or Consequences, NM
88813 Tucumcari, NM
94915 White Rock, NM
01171 Albuquerque, NM
27253 El Paso, TX-NM
29278 Farmington, NM
47935 Las Cruces, NM
51499 Los Lunas, NM
79363 Santa Fe, NM
99998 Small Urban
99999 Rural
1 Large Urban
2 Small Urban
3 Rural
Source: NMDOT Planning Division and the US Census Program in conjuction with FHWA and the NMDOT Roadway Inventory Program.
Updated: Several years after every census.THE NMDOT ADJUSTS THE CENSUS DESIGNATED URBAN BOUNDARIES! Last Updated October 2024.
Updated Procedure: The NMDOT Planning and Roadway Inventory Program work together with the various external partners to created the updated polygons. These polygons are then turned into a Linear Reference System and populated into Roads and Highways by the Roadway Inventory Program. Several years after every census. Last updated in October 2024. Note that Zuni and Chaparral are no longer small urban areas (population decrease from the 2010 urban area).
Quality: Good.
Connected systems: MS2, AgileAssets, eSTIP (in process).
Non-Connected systems: HPMS, UNMCrash, MIRE AASHTOWare Safety.
Copyright Text: NMDOT, Planning, Roadway Inventory, Census, FHWA
Spatial Reference: 26913 (26913)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -349450.23435168
YMin: 3511386.92257372
XMax: 858386.935510203
YMax: 4204878.96170372
Spatial Reference: 26913 (26913)
Full Extent:
XMin: 115287.7525
YMin: 3471932.945
XMax: 682604.2483
YMax: 4102380.2533
Spatial Reference: 26913 (26913)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
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