ArcGIS REST Services Directory

GlobalPowerPlants (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: WRI's Global Power Plant Database as of April 2018

Service ItemId: 57b4813237fd4733ab6f143a306af07b

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 1000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

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Description: Global Power Plant Database by WRI. The Global Power Plant Database is a comprehensive database of power plants around the world compiled from many sources. Each power plant is has attributes on plant capacity, generation, ownership, and fuel type. As of April 2018, the database includes around 25,500 power plants from 162 countries. It will be continuously updated as data becomes available.

Copyright Text: WRI

Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriMeters

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates