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This layer shows education levels. Counts are broken down by sex.
Data is from US Census American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates.
Data shown in this layer is a percentage of total households.
This layer is symbolized by the percentage of adults (25+) who were not high school graduates. To see the full list of attributes available in this service, go to the "Data" tab, and choose "Fields" at the top right (in ArcGIS Online). To view only the census tracts that are predominantly in Tempe, add the expression City is Tempe in the map filter settings.
A ‘Null’ entry in the estimate indicates that data for this geographic area cannot be displayed because the number of sample cases is too small (per the U.S. Census).
Vintage: 2018-2022
ACS Table(s): B15002 (Not all lines of these ACS tables are available in this feature layer.)
Data downloaded from: Census Bureau's API for American Community Survey
Data Preparation: Data curated from Esri Living Atlas clipped to Census Tract boundaries that are within or adjacent to the City of Tempe boundary
Date of Census update: December 15, 2023
National Figures: