Description: This is a spatial feature intended to focus users' attention on the subject area of the Winnipeg AVPA Regulation. It contains no attributes.
Copyright Text: Community Planning, Manitoba Municipal Relations
Description: This is a subset of the "Addresses" dataset produced by the City of Winnipeg. It allows users to search for a property by civic address within the Web App's subject area. The fields that comprised the components of addresses were concatenated into one field to simplify the search process.
Copyright Text: This dataset is a modified version of the City of Winnipeg's "Addresses" dataset. The original can be found at:
Description: This polygon dataset is subset of the "Survey Parcel" dataset produced by the City of Winnipeg. It is a representation of the boundaries of parcels registered by plan of survey or subdivision with the Land Titles Office. This dataset has been modified to show whether the parcels are affected by requirements of the Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation.
Copyright Text: Community Planning, Manitoba Municipal Relations
Description: The Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF) is the official measurement used in Canada for aircraft noise assessment. The lower the Noise Exposure Forecast, the less noise a particular location is exposed to. The Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation establishes two protection areas, based on the NEF contours and noise exposure areas identified in a Noise Exposure Forecast Study completed in 2021 and revised in 2022. <div><br /></div><div>Area 1 comprises of lands immediately adjacent to the airport, where no new residential development will be permitted, except for replacement of buildings and minor infilling. </div><div><br /></div><div>Area 2 is located further away from the airport, where new or replacement residential development may be constructed. All development within the regulated lands must comply with indoor noise level limits set out in the Regulation. The two features in this dataset define the boundaries of these two areas.</div>
Copyright Text: Community Planning staff created this data is based on the NEF contours and noise exposure areas identified in a Noise Exposure Forecast Study created by HM Aero Aviation Consulting and Landmark Planning and Design Inc.