Description: (Start with 21,100 points, with about 73 that did not geocode)
-Select out DCWater projects
-DDOT pavement projects in the ROW have already been previously selected out of the Master list
(end up with 21035 points)
Selections steps:
Step 1 - New Selection: (ends up with 20,943 points) (4 Stream restorations to DC project added after discovery)
Select from (BMP Master List) where:
Did_DOEE_help_pay_for_this_BMP_ IN (‘Yes' , 'YES')
Plan___Site_Owner___Organization IN ( 'DC Department of General Services' , 'DC Department of Parks and Recreation' , 'DC Department of Public Works' , 'DC DGS' , 'Dc Housing Authority' , 'DC Housing Authority' , 'DC Public Library' , 'DDOT' , 'DDOT ' , 'Department of Energy and Environment' , 'Department of General Services' , 'Department of General Services ' , 'DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT' , 'DGS' , 'DGS - Construction Division' , 'DMPED' , 'Events DC' , 'NoMa Parks Foundation' , 'University of the District of Columbia' )
DC_Gov_Project_Type_for_WQD_Maintenance_Report IN ('DC Government' , 'DC Project' , 'DDOT' , 'DGS' , 'RiverSmart Communities' , 'RiverSmart Schools' )
Step 2 - Spatial Select: (ends up with 20,999 points) (4 Stream restorations to DC project added after discovery)
Select by adding to currently selected features where:
BMP Master list (points) are within the source layer feature (District Land)
Step 3 - Remove from Selection: (ends up with 4,017 points) (4 Stream restorations to DC project added after discovery)
Select by removing from currently selected features where:
Source_of_Funding IN ( 'RiverSmart Homes' , 'RiverSmart Rebate' , 'RiverSmart Rebates' , 'TOPS Program Tree Replacement' , 'Tree Rebate' )
Then export the point feature as “BMPs Master Working Assignments List” Then select from this layer, DC GOV Proj field = Null and calculate field to be “On DC Land” to signify that it was ‘blank’ and was selected because it fell on DC owned/managed Land.
Must apply initial criteria below in order:
Created new field called Assignments (Text, 30 length)
1- All “Pavements” go to Contractor (294)
2- All RiverSmart Community go to Grantees (79 but 14 need to go to Contractor for being pavement & 1 is RS
Comm going to Separate Grant or Contract for being impervious removal) So 79-15=64
3- All River Smart Schools go to Contractor (56 of which 4 are pavement)
4- All Bioretentions (Minus the Streetscape Bios) (total 983, includes the “mixed” types)
-maintenance required = yes, assign to Contractor (192)
-assign 300 most recently maintained “Maintenance required = no” to grantees (300 of which 21 of
them had last inspection on 3/5/2021 but also had expected construction completion dates of after 1/19/2022)
-remainder “Maintenance = no and null” to contractors (6 of which do not have coordinates)
(489 of which 87 have expected construction completion date after 10/1/2021 and I coded them as “Contractor (Comp aftr 10-2021)” for now because you were wondering about bmps that have not been completed yet.
5- Assign remainder BMP types to the designated Assignment groups in the list below.
Email you were also wondering… But I’ve since updated the numbers below of new findings.
Hey all,
Here are the updated numbers. I slightly modified how I split things to make it easier to count. I am definitely on board with moving some/all of the cisterns to contracting. Maybe we can do a rough estimate of if they should be moved to contracting based on gallons captured? I'd suggest above 500 move to contracting. Based on this accounting (without moving cisterns), we will need to find 300-350 bioretentions to move over to grant maintenance. Commence the feedback! -Steve
(Counts updated to reflect updated data)
Bioretention – 983 (split by criteria #4 above)
-Green roofs - 399
-Permeable Pavements - 294
-Stream Restoration - 15
-Streetscape Bioretention – 322
?Residential - RI Ave none found
-Infiltration/infiltration basin/infiltration trench – 144 (1 does not have coordinates)
-Open channel – 4 (of which 1 is in RS Sch)
-Parking lot LID – 1 (also RS Sch)
-Stormwater planters – 78 (1 has Bioretention subtype, 1 is RS Comm (Private Proj), both changed to contractor)
-SW Catch Basin (Dry Well) - 1
-Wet swale - 3
-Wetlands - 2
-??? – 3 (River Smart School Sites)
-CDA to a shared BMP - 2
-Engineered tree pits – 134 (of which 2 are RS Schools)
-Extended detention - 1
-Ponds - 3
- Blank (looks like a few ROW projects, River Smart Rooftops roofs and ?) – 10 (3 with no coordinates)
Total - 1416
-Cisterns/Large Cisterns Rainwater Harvesting– 49 (minus 11 RS Sch & 1 CWC/RS Sch- go to contractor) (but 12 are in
? Bioswale, bioretention, cistern/Bioretention, cistern (RiverSmart Communities) – there are 12 from the above
-Dry swale – 67 (of which 1 is RS Sch, so it’ll be contractor for that one)
-Grass channel/ Grass Channel – Amended Soils - 27
-Small bioretention – 5 (but all 5 are RS Sch so they are all Contractor, so minus 5)
Total - 143
-Proprietary Practices - Grey infrastructure – 473 (51 do not have coordinates)
-Filtering System - Grey infrastructure – 166 (2 do not have coordinates)
-Storage – 63 (of which 12 are Stone storage under permeable pavement or other BMPs) (1 does not have coordinates)
Total - 702
Separate grant or contract
-Tree preservation/planting -706
-Impervious Surface Removal - 5 (with 1 being RS Comm, changed grantee to this assignment, Impervious Removal)
?Downspout Disconnection – no downspout disconnection found
-Conservation landscaping – 2 (was RS Sch, changing from Contractor to separate grant or contract)
Total - 713
These below are for Assignment because they were not categorized Total: 43
Residential Rain Gardens (standard and enhanced)- 5
Simple disconnection to a conservation area- 3
Simple disconnection to a pervious area- 35 (with 1 being A/B soils)
Total all- 3017 but on the Frequency table which counts all, it shows 4017
Upon trying to fix the Sewershed field, I noticed 64 points with no X and Y coordinates transferred over from the selections. The numbers above have been updated to reflect this.
Out of 4017, 64 do not have X and Y coordinates.
3 Contractor – Null BMP type
6 Contractor – Bioretention
1 Contractor – Infiltration
2 Eliminate – Filtering System
51 Eliminate – Proprietary Practice
1 Eliminate – Storage
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