Service Description: Historical buildings DC
Service ItemId: c93fb7e062344e459f55a5f3c58a0bf4
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: Historical buildings DC
Copyright Text: Office of Planning; The Historic Preservation Office
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -8593047.7083154
YMin: 4696852.52036288
XMax: -8558089.56548245
YMax: 4725361.43154737
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Full Extent:
XMin: -8584289.39143202
YMin: 4694860.77673395
XMax: -8561549.3852875
YMax: 4721045.65023404
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
Get Estimates