Service Description: PBOT MO Gates
Service ItemId: 94bacb9c9af742d1baf47f78270a83de
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 1000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: PBOT MO Gates
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference: 2913 (2913)
Initial Extent:
XMin: 7637608.87272603
YMin: 700142.560716042
XMax: 7662328.42159458
YMax: 710685.250408161
Spatial Reference: 2913 (2913)
Full Extent:
XMin: 7644514.87517831
YMin: 690180.487660706
XMax: 7655394.33744939
YMax: 709708.833134472
Spatial Reference: 2913 (2913)
Units: esriFeet
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
Get Estimates