Service Description: A current, accurate spatial representation of all historic properties listed in National inventories managed by the National Park Service is of interest to the National Park Service Washington office, regional offices and parks, as well as Federal agencies, State Historic and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, local government and certified local governments, consultants, academia, and the interested public. Some of these inventories contain information related to historic resources located inside National Park Service property (CLI, LCS, ASMIS) while other inventories contain resources located inside National Park Service property or on private property (National Register, National Historic Landmarks, HABS/HAER/HALS, Historic Preservation Grants, Historic Preservation Tax Incentives). Interest in these inventories stems from the regulatory processes of managing cultural resources that are consistent with the National Historic Preservation Act as Amended (NHPA), the National Environmental Policy Act as Amended, the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, and other laws related to cultural resources. The regulations promulgating these laws require the use of spatial data in support of various decisions and actions related to cultural resource management. Collectively, this data is intended to represent a comprehensive inventory of all cultural resources inside National Park units, as well as a comprehensive inventory of historic resources listed on the National Register of Historic Places, documented through HABS/HAER/HALS or receiving benefits from the National Park Service because of their historic nature and National Register eligibility. This dataset provides feature geometry representations (point, line, or polygon) and is intended to be supplemented with descriptive attributes maintained by other external database systems such as the National Register Information System, the Cultural Landscapes Inventory, the List of Classified Structures, the Archaeological Sites Management Information System, the...
Service ItemId: f374cb0da14d4f0cafa21f056990eb5a
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: This feature class describes resources contained within any of the approximately 14 NPS cultural resource databases, classified as historic buildings, and depicted as polygons. The National Register of Historic Places requires the submission of a single UTM coordinate pair for properties under 10 acres and a series of bounding coordinate pairs for properties over 10 acres and this same criteria may be used for other NPS cultural resource programs, or modified as necessary to accurately depict the location of a building. In many cases, polygons depicting buildings represent building footprints. Based on National Register of Historic Places resource type definitions applied across all of the NPS cultural resource databases, abuilding, such as a house, barn, church, hotel, or similar construction, is created principally to shelter any form of human activity. A building may also be used to refer to a historically and functionally related unit, such as a courthouse and jail or a house and barn. Buildings include: houses, barns, stables, sheds, garages, courthouses, city halls, social halls, commercial buildings, libraries, factories, mills, train depots, stationary mobile homes, hotels, theaters, schools, stores and churches.Attribute data in this dataset are intentionally limited to those necessary for spatial data maintenance and feature level metadata necessary to document the lineage of the geography itself. Data from external database systems, such as any of the 14 NPS cultural resource databases, are intended to link with these data to provide basic feature attributes. The means to maintain unique identifiers for each historic site (CR_ID), Survey_ID, as well as unique geometries associated with that feature (Geometry_ID) are through the use of Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) assigned by the database. Information about the genesis of individual points is documented by feature level metadata fields in the spatial attribute table. Both restricted and unrestricted locations of historic properties are included in this GeoDatabase, and identified in the feature level metadata. Release of locational information for cultural resources are subject to the provisions of Section 304 of the National Historic Preservation Act as Amended and Section (9)(a)(2) of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act as Amended. The metadata in the feature attribute table are compliant with the National Park Service’s Cultural Resource Spatial Data Transfer Standards. These standards were created to facilitate the exchange of spatial data within a variety of contexts, particularly Sections 106 and 110 of NHPA as well as in the context of disaster recovery events. Often locations of National Register listed properties and other historic resources eligible for the National Register are needed in these situations.
Copyright Text: Cultural Resources GIS, National Park Service
Spatial Reference: 4326 (4326)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -203.563000078601
YMin: 7.25880364615183
XMax: 51.9590651330212
YMax: 90.7655892131841
Spatial Reference: 4326 (4326)
Full Extent:
XMin: -164.742423386
YMin: 13.3765983860001
XMax: 144.730379984
YMax: 68.4499077580001
Spatial Reference: 4326 (4326)
Units: esriDecimalDegrees
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
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