ArcGIS REST Services Directory

National_NHFN_2022 (FeatureServer)

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Service Description: The primary purpose of this geospatial data set is to serve the FHWA needs in highway freight planning, policy analysis, visualization of the NHFN database and network modelling.

Service ItemId: 7f4a4b92bc794e94864cad854e2b6435

Has Versioned Data: false

Max Record Count: 2000

Supported query Formats: JSON

Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False

Supports Shared Templates: False

All Layers and Tables



Identification Information:


Citation Information:

Originator: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Publication Date: 04.27.2022

Title: National Highway Freight Network (NHFN)

Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data

Publication Information:

Publication Place: Washington DC

Publisher: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Publication Information:

Publication Place: 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE, Washington, DC, 20590

Publisher: Office of Freight Management and Operation

Online Linkage:

Online Linkage: 

Larger Work Citation:

Citation Information:

Originator Office of Freight Management and Operation

Publication Date: 20220427

Title: National Highway Freight Network (NHFN)

Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data

Publication Information:

Publication Place: Washington, DC

Publisher: Office of Freight Management and Operation


Abstract: The Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) repealed both the Primary Freight Network and National Freight Network from Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and directed the FHWA Administrator to establish a National Highway Freight Network (NHFN) to strategically direct Federal resources and policies toward improved performance of highway portions of the U.S. freight transportation system. The FAST Act also directed the FHWA Administrator prepare and submit to Congress a report that describes the conditions and performance of the NHFN biennially. The first Highway Freight Transportation Conditions and Performance Report is published as a standalone document and will also be included in the 23rd edition of the Conditions and Performance report to be published on a later timeline. The NHFN includes the following subsystems of roadways:

Primary Highway Freight System (PHFS): This is a network of highways identified as the most critical highway portions of the U.S. freight transportation system determined by measurable and objective national data. The network consists of 41,799 centerlines miles, including 38,014 centerline miles of Interstate and 3,785 centerline miles of non-Interstate roads.

Other Interstate portions not on the PHFS: These highways consist of the remaining portion of Interstate roads not included in the PHFS. These routes provide important continuity and access to freight transportation facilities. These portions amount to an estimated 9,843 centerline miles of Interstate, nationwide, and will fluctuate with additions and deletions to the Interstate Highway System.

Critical Rural Freight Corridors (CRFCs): These are public roads not in an urbanized area which provide access and connection to the PHFS and the Interstate with other important ports, public transportation facilities, or other intermodal freight facilities. Nationwide, there are 4,412 centerline miles designated as CRFCs.

Critical Urban Freight Corridors (CUFCs): These are public roads in urbanized areas which provide access and connection to the PHFS and the Interstate with other ports, public transportation facilities, or other intermodal transportation facilities. Nationwide, there are 2,213 centerline miles designated as CUFCs.

Purpose: The primary purpose of this geospatial data set is to serve the FHWA needs in highway freight planning, policy analysis, visualization of the NHFN database and network modelling.

Time Period of Content:

Time Period Information:

Single Date/Time:

Calendar Date: 20220427

Currentness Reference: publication date


Progress: In work

Maintenance and Update Frequency: As needed

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

West Bounding Coordinate: -159.395785

East Bounding Coordinate: -65.633045

North Bounding Coordinate: 64.860120

South Bounding Coordinate: 17.969393



Theme Keyword Thesaurus: Freight

Theme Keyword: Analysis

Theme Keyword: Network

Theme Keyword: Highways

Theme Keyword: Transportation

Theme Keyword: NHFN


Theme Keyword Thesaurus: none

Theme Keyword: transportation


Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None

Theme Keyword: Network

Theme Keyword: Highways


Theme Keyword Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Categories

Theme Keyword: transportation


Place Keyword Thesaurus: US

Place Keyword: United States

Place Keyword: USA


Stratum Keyword Thesaurus: None

Stratum Keyword: ground


Temporal Keyword Thesaurus: None

Temporal Keyword: 2019

Temporal Keyword: 2022

Access Constraints: None

Use Constraints: The NHFN Version 2022.04.27 database, or any portion thereof, can be freely distributed as long as this metadata entry is included with each distribution. The original metadata entry cannot be modified or deleted from any data transfer.

Point of Contact:

Contact Information:

Contact Organization Primary:

Contact Organization: Office of Freight Management and Operation

Contact Person: Birat Pandey

Contact Position: Geospatial Information Systems

Contact Address:

Address Type: unknown



State or Province: 

Postal Code: 20590

Contact Voice Telephone: 

Contact Electronic Mail Address: 

Point of Contact:

Contact Information:

Contact Organization Primary:

Contact Organization: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Contact Address:

Address Type: unknown

Address: Washington DC

Point of Contact:

Contact Information:

Contact Organization Primary:

Contact Organization: Office of Freight Management and Operation

Contact Person: Birat Pandey

Contact Address:

Address Type: mailing and physical



State or Province: 

Postal Code: 

Country: US

Contact Voice Telephone: 202 366 2842

Contact Facsimile Telephone: 

Security Information:

Security Classification: Unclassified

Native Data Set Environment: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (OS Build 19042.928) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS 2.6.1

Cross Reference:

Citation Information:

Originator: Office of Freight Management and Operation

Publication Date: 20220427

Title: National Highway Freight Network (NHFN)

Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector digital data

Publication Information:

Publication Place: Washington, DC

Publisher: Office of Freight Management and Operation

Data Quality Information:

Attribute Value Accuracy Information:

Attribute Accuracy Report: Quality checks were for cross referencing purposes. The dataset was cross-referenced with the state dataset to determine if the spatial data and attribute data were accurate within each state.

Logical Consistency Report: The uniqueness of entity IDs and the values of begin and end milepost values were generated by the computer algorithm developed under ArcGIS Pro 2.6.1 environment.

Completeness Report: All NHFN links with HPMS 2019 GIS network representation have been conflated to the NHFN.

Positional Accuracy:

Horizontal Positional Accuracy:

Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report: The original elements of the NHFN have been conflated to the ARNOLD 2019 GIS network, which requires spatial resolution of 1:100,000 or better. However, most of the state submitted data has spatial resolution between 1:5,000 to 1:10,000.

Spatial Data Organization Information:

Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector

Point and Vector Object Information:

SDTS Terms Description:

SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: String

Point and Vector Object Count: 626366

Spatial Reference Information:

Horizontal Coordinate System Definition:


Latitude Resolution: 8.983152841195215e-009

Longitude Resolution: 8.983152841195215e-009

Geographic Coordinate Units: Decimal Degrees

Geodetic Model:

Horizontal Datum Name: D WGS 1984

Ellipsoid Name: WGS 1984

Semi-major Axis: 6378137.0

Denominator of Flattening Ratio: 298.257223563

Entity and Attribute Information:

Detailed Description:

Entity Type:

Entity Type Label: NHFN

Entity Type Definition: National Highway Freight Network

Entity Type Definition Source: FHWA


Attribute Label: YEAR_RECOR

Attribute Definition: ARNOLD date year (shape geometry)

Attribute Definition Source: ARNOLD 2019


Attribute Label: VERSION

Attribute Definition: Build date

Attribute Definition Source: Preparer


Attribute Label: STATE_CODE

Attribute Definition: State 2-digit code

Attribute Definition Source: ARNOLD 2019


Attribute Label: ROUTEID

Attribute Definition: State LRS Route ID

Attribute Definition Source: ARNOLD 2019


Attribute Label: BEGMP

Attribute Definition: Calibrated Beginning Mile Point for segment

Attribute Definition Source: ARNOLD 2019


Attribute Label: ENDMP

Attribute Definition: Calibrated Ending Mile Point of segment

Attribute Definition Source: ARNOLD 2019


Attribute Label: NHFN_CODE

Attribute Definition: Type of NHFN

Attribute Definition Source: NHFN 2021

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 0

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Not on NHFN

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHFN

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 1

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: PHFS Route

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHFN

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 2

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Non-PHFS Interstate

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHFN


Attribute Label: SIGN1

Attribute Definition: The SIGN1 field contains the designated primary Sign Route for the segment.

Attribute Definition Source: NHS


Attribute Label: SIGNT1

Attribute Definition: Describes the type of the sign route

Attribute Definition Source: NHS


Attribute Label: SIGNN1

Attribute Definition: Contains the actual sign route numbers

Attribute Definition Source: NHS


Attribute Label: LNAME

Attribute Definition: Local Street Name

Attribute Definition Source: NHS


Attribute Label: NHS

Attribute Definition: Type of NHS

Attribute Definition Source: NHS 2019

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 0

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Not on NHS

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHS

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 1

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Interstate

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHS

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 3

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Non-Interstate STRAHNET

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHS

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 4

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: STRAHNET Connector

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHS

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 7

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Other NHS

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHS

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 8

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Approved Intermodal

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHS

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 9

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Segment is dual designated as both an Approved Intermodal Connector and STRAHNET

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHS

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 10

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Principal arterial added to the NHS under MAP-21

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHS


Attribute Label: STATUS

Attribute Definition:

Attribute Definition Source: NHS

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 0

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Closed

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHS

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: 1

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Open

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: NHS


Attribute Label: Source

Attribute Definition: Source of the geometry of the segment

Attribute Definition Source: Preparer


Attribute Label: FACID

Attribute Definition: FHWA Designated Intermodal Facility or Military Installation Unique ID

Attribute Definition Source: NHS


Attribute Label: UPDAT_DESC

Attribute Definition: Type of NHFN updates

Attribute Definition Source: NHFN


Attribute Label: UPDAT_TYPE

Attribute Definition: The type of update that is executed

Attribute Definition Source: NHFN


Attribute Label: SYMBOLOGY

Attribute Definition: Thematic Mapping

Attribute Definition Source: NHFN


Attribute Label: ST_NAME

Attribute Definition: Define the full of state

Attribute Definition Source: NHFN


Attribute Label: UPDAT_DATE

Attribute Definition: Date when last NHS technical correction is made

Attribute Definition Source: NHFN


Attribute Label: LENGTH

Attribute Definition: Geodesic Length of the segment

Attribute Definition Source: ARNOLD 2019

Distribution Information:


Contact Information:

Contact Organization Primary:

Contact Organization: Office of Freight Management and Operation

Contact Person: Birat Pandey

Contact Position: Geospatial Information Systems

Contact Address:

Address Type: unknown



State or Province: 

Postal Code: 

Contact Voice Telephone: 202 366 2842

Contact Electronic Mail Address:

Resource Description: National Highway Freight Network (NHFN)

Distribution Liability: None

Standard Order Process:

Digital Form:

Digital Transfer Information:

Format Name: ESRI Shapefile

Format Version Number: 2022

File Decompression Technique: No compression applied. However, if using digital transfer online option, note access instructions.

Transfer Size: 36.6 MB

Digital Transfer Option:

Offline Option:

Offline Media:

Recording Capacity:

Recording Density: 650

Recording Density Units: megabytes

Recording Format: ISO 9660

Fees: None

Ordering Instructions: For questions about the National Highway Freight Network (NHFN), please call 202-366-2842 or E-mail NHFN data and individual datasets can be downloaded from the

Available Time Period:

Time Period Information:

Single Date/Time:

Calendar Date: 20220427

Metadata Reference Information:

Metadata Date: 20220427

Metadata Contact:

Contact Information:

Contact Organization Primary:

Contact Organization: FHWA

Contact Address:

Address Type: unknown



State or Province: 

Postal Code: 

Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata

Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998

Metadata Time Convention: local time

Copyright Text:

Spatial Reference: 4326 (4326)

Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Units: esriDecimalDegrees

Child Resources:   Info

Supported Operations:   Query   ConvertFormat   Get Estimates