Layer Estimates:
Layer: Building_Footprint selection (ID:0)
Count: 28381
XMin: -8854697.87639449
YMin: 5449851.73815902
XMax: -8833266.30274065
YMax: 5462875.46644401
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: Building Footprints with Bluetooth Buffer (Vacant and Occupied) selection (ID:1)
Count: 1
XMin: -8880030.96837195
YMin: 5427313.73890546
XMax: -8811685.23573384
YMax: 5526743.46810022
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: Roadways with Bluetooth Buffer selection (ID:2)
Count: 1
XMin: -8880586.69649162
YMin: 5426798.26448248
XMax: -8811605.07569727
YMax: 5526643.40703606
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: Water Bodies and Marshes - No Buffer selection (ID:3)
Count: 1
XMin: -8880927.51561868
YMin: 5426387.33816926
XMax: -8811562.28577375
YMax: 5520506.69094213
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Layer: Cycling Paths with Visibility Buffer (Does not show all hiking pathways, do not depend on this) selection (ID:4)
Count: 1
XMin: -8877771.87037491
YMin: 5425862.03998731
XMax: -8813364.30276788
YMax: 5517931.73163206
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)